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Aug 13, 2016
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What is the highest wind you have flown your Q 500 in? I'm wanting to fly tomorrow,but the forcast is for wind from 10-15mph. Being new to the Q 500,I haven't had much flight time with it,and I'm not sure how well it handles the wind? Thanks,Ron
What is the highest wind you have flown your Q 500 in? I'm wanting to fly tomorrow,but the forcast is for wind from 10-15mph. Being new to the Q 500,I haven't had much flight time with it,and I'm not sure how well it handles the wind? Thanks,Ron
You will be fine with 10-15 as long as you do not have gusts to go with it, gusting winds, even frequently do the worst control damage:(
You will be fine with 10-15 as long as you do not have gusts to go with it, gusting winds, even frequently do the worst control damage:(
Thanks,I didn't know how much wind the Q 500 could stand! I've heard stories about them not being able to penetrate high winds,and getting blown backwards with the wind. Bumpy flights don't bother me ( might make the video/pics worthless?),as I've been flying RC for over 40 years. Thanks for the information,Ron
I once flew my old 350QX V1 in thirty mph winds. That was a mistake as the GPS wouldn't hold it in position and it took full forward stick just to hold position! It was one of those (kiss the ground) experences once I got it down. :eek: LOL!
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Thanks,I didn't know how much wind the Q 500 could stand! I've heard stories about them not being able to penetrate high winds,and getting blown backwards with the wind. Bumpy flights don't bother me ( might make the video/pics worthless?),as I've been flying RC for over 40 years. Thanks for the information,Ron
Be aware that the wind may push on the camera and spin the Q around. The front mounted camera makes the Q tricky to fly into wind or a crosswind. If you keep the camera pointed downwind you can fly in any direction without much problem. The rule I always use with the Q on windy days is to always fly upwind after launch. If you can't fly upwind, then you have to land and put her away. Also try to find a landing location that is a bit more protected from wind gusts to save your props.
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Be aware that the wind may push on the camera and spin the Q around. The front mounted camera makes the Q tricky to fly into wind or a crosswind. If you keep the camera pointed downwind you can fly in any direction without much problem. The rule I always use with the Q on windy days is to always fly upwind after launch. If you can't fly upwind, then you have to land and put her away. Also try to find a landing location that is a bit more protected from wind gusts to save your props.
Thanks for that information!
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I just took mine out today 15ish mph while the drone had no issue staying in the air the wind would spin it often and made it very hard to control. Again as stated above gusts are the real issue

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