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best software to edit post production video and photo

Aug 25, 2017
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San Francisco
So the topic I am writing about is concerning what software do you guys feel is the best and easiest to cut, stitch, edit...etc for my footage I shoot with my H? I am a newbie. If anyone could throw up a link of where to get this I would be truly grateful
Use the magnifying glass icon in the upper right of your screen. That's the search icon. Enter post processing programs and hit enter. Most every newbie that bought an H has ask the same questions about post processing programs. They also ask about the best, but those cost $$.
are you really telling me to google that?? If so I have just about had it with guys being rude, answering my questions as if I am a moron, the fact ALL NEWBIES ask the same questions, maybe Yuneec should take note of that and provide some direction with this. We are all new at one time or another, except the last guy that commented he was born with an H in his hand, as for me I like to study, research and make educated purchases and I choose to invest my time wisely as I have very little as it is. Anyway if there is anyone out there that may have an answer to this I would really appreciate it, and again I am not asking how to find google, or any other smart *** questions, maybe just let me know what you guys use. I do want to say I have found some very nice H owners that have taken the time to answer the same questions they had upon purchasing one of these platforms.
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Wow. Pat was trying to help. Look at the upper right corner of this app. You can search this forum.
I was telling you to use the search function in order to locate at least one of about 25 threads in this forum that covers your question in detail, the most recent of which was posted in just a couple days ago. There's no reason everyone should snap to when some rude and lazy noob asks a question that has been asked and answered many times over. If you want to read a book do you demand the author write you a new personal copy?

Your answer will be found in our search library, if you're not to lazy to look. Your statement about research rings very hollow, but if you're serious about researching things carefully you can take my advice or start a cold search all by yourself reviewing all the videos and tutorials on You Tube.
So the topic I am writing about is concerning what software do you guys feel is the best and easiest to cut, stitch, edit...etc for my footage I shoot with my H? I am a newbie. If anyone could throw up a link of where to get this I would be truly grateful
Here is a link to a thread that covers what you are looking for. I made a comment there as well listing 3 that I use. They are made by companies that you will know and are all full versions and free. The title of the thread was created by the OP of that thread.

Something to note is that this forum is is not owned by Yuneec nor do they monitor it.

Newbie, what do I do with video?
are you really telling me to google that?? If so I have just about had it with guys being rude, answering my questions as if I am a moron, the fact ALL NEWBIES ask the same questions, maybe Yuneec should take note of that and provide some direction with this. We are all new at one time or another, except the last guy that commented he was born with an H in his hand, as for me I like to study, research and make educated purchases and I choose to invest my time wisely as I have very little as it is. Anyway if there is anyone out there that may have an answer to this I would really appreciate it, and again I am not asking how to find google, or any other smart *** questions, maybe just let me know what you guys use. I do want to say I have found some very nice H owners that have taken the time to answer the same questions they had upon purchasing one of these platforms.
I don't believe that anyone on this forum has been rude to you from what I have read and recall. I do know you had problems earlier and a lot of us did everything we could to help you, including from what I remember, one member offered up his phone number to help walk you through the install process of the firmware.

Anyway, have faith in the search icon first, then if all else fails, remember everyone that is here is volunteering their experience, time, and help for everyone.
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I came to the post processing software that I use now mainly through trying out several different programs. Some were great at what they did but my computer struggled to run them properly. Some programs weren't good at all...and one program just loved to crash all the time even though my computer did have the gits to run it. However, I never asked anyone else what they used to make my final decision. What is good for one person may not be good for another. Further, not everyone has the latest all singing and dancing computers so that would figure in what people found to be best. No, after allot of trial and error on my part I finally arrived on the program best FOR ME.

If you want to know what I chose then search for one of the numerous other threads on this very subject within this site to find out. Frankly I'm getting sick of repeating it.
So the topic I am writing about is concerning what software do you guys feel is the best and easiest to cut, stitch, edit...etc for my footage I shoot with my H? I am a newbie. If anyone could throw up a link of where to get this I would be truly grateful
Best, most comprehensive free software I've used is Blender which is open source and although not it's first purpose has a great video editor. It is a learning curve though.

Simpler ones include Filmora which we love at our place for it's simplicity and you could even go fully mobile using their app FilmoraGo and produce on the ground as soon as you've finished filming. Even PowerProducer has decent capabilities if you want computer and mobile options but for a first stage I'd go Filmora.
I'm sorry I just was LOL at usitorloseit! Are you kidding me LOL! Where did our education go wrong? LOL. Just relax usitorloseit you'll find this post extremely helpful you just need to pull your weight from time to time.;)
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There are also tons of forums online dedicated to the ins and outs of various and assorted video editing programs that are out there. I don't know that I'd necessarily go to a JVC camera technical forum or a RED camera technical forum to ask what product I should use to edit movies from their products. I'd probably go to a site dedicated to digital video editing. That way, I could tap the vast amount of opinions on the subject that are available on the interwebs from a humongous user base, instead of limiting those opinions to just the users of one specific camera.
My favorite is Premiere. Some other person's favorite might be Media Composer. Yet another person probably thinks that Windows Movie Maker is "da bomb".
Regardless, I know for a fact that I'd start my research by utilizing a search engine, just like I did when deciding what sUAS to purchase, because I didn't want to limit myself in any way.
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There are also tons of forums online dedicated to the ins and outs of various and assorted video editing programs that are out there. I don't know that I'd necessarily go to a JVC camera technical forum or a RED camera technical forum to ask what product I should use to edit movies from their products. I'd probably go to a site dedicated to digital video editing. That way, I could tap the vast amount of opinions on the subject that are available on the interwebs from a humongous user base, instead of limiting those opinions to just the users of one specific camera.
My favorite is Premiere. Some other person's favorite might be Media Composer. Yet another person probably thinks that Windows Movie Maker is "da bomb".
Regardless, I know for a fact that I'd start my research by utilizing a search engine, just like I did when deciding what sUAS to purchase, because I didn't want to limit myself in any way.
For a good while I thought Windows Movie Maker was all I needed right up to the time that I started doing commercial stuff, and I soon found out that it just wouldn't cut it. Yes, it was very easy to use...I could use it blindfolded (well, not quite coz I needed to see the video), but the finished file format was useless to clients. I needed something that would save in multiple different formats...particularly MP4. It was then that I started to do my own research to find the best editor suited to my needs and what my computer could handle. I also wanted something that didn't have a very steep learning curve (I'm not a young chicken anymore).

I tried a few. The best one (for me) was the free version of Davinci Resolve but my computer wasn't up to it and although I mastered it reasonable well I decided to look elsewhere mainly because of my computer shortcomings. So, If and when I get a computer powerful enough to use it, I'll give it another shot.

I've tried a few of the other freebie programs. The best of those other ones was Lightworks and I used that for a while until a forced update made it such that video could only be rendered at 720.

The one I use now is a paid for program that suits me very well. Not perfect, but which one is? Easy to use and not too hard on my computer and more importantly gives reasonably good results in various file formats including MP4. I do all my post work using this program and now find it just as easy to use as Windows Movie Maker.
dashware...thats my favorite. its free and can process 4k plus it works with the flight data files

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