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First impressions ** MAJOR Update page 5 post #90 **

no sorry my friend, it is enough to weigh 6 when you'll have the time :)
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Haydn, yours does have an Aussie accent, right?:rolleyes:
As you are able keep us with you during your trip.:D
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Awesome write up. Finally some closeups of the ST16S and the E90. Also, interesting about the gel filled dampers, nice touch.
I also found it odd that the ST16S in the 520 manual only shows 2 antenna's like the early H480 ST16's. Maybe Bob520 can weigh in on that one.
That's the graphics department. Manual version 1.19 will have a better illustration.
Just had my first 2 flights with my H520, no pics as the weather is rubbish and actually started raining just after I packed up. Wind was 15 gusting 20mph. It handles the wind incredibly well, manual mode, even in the wind was like butter, so smooth! The screen on the ST16s is awesome, very bright and can easily be seen in daylight. Much better than my ST16+ on the H480. The H520 is incredibly quiet, even when flat out doing over 60kph in manual mode. I think they could have made the voice a bit better, sounds like Stephanie Hawkings, Stephen Hawkings sister, lol. It would seem you only get 100mbs data transfer on the E90 when filming in 4K 60fps. At 4K 30fps it is 60fps. Great news the camera remembers the last settings you used, unlike the CGO3+ that did not. I hope more settings are added in the next update, as there isn’t even a Histogram at the moment!
Looking forward to some nice weather to test properly.
I've had similar problems - every time I've had my hands on a H520, conditions haven't been great. When you film 4K 30fps you have a choice of video encoding - either H.264 or HVEC. Choose HVEC to get the best possible quality. Due to the complexity of the codec, it's not available for 4K @ 60fps.

The stability and low noise of the platform can't be over stated. Next to the competition it's really outstanding.
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Omitting the histogram is seriously dropping the ball. For any photographic purpose the ability to establish exposure is quite important. Too bright and critical detail is not and not recoverable, too dark and you could spend forever batch processing hundreds of photos. The manual suggests using auto exposure but Yuneec's history has shown their auto exposure left a lot to be desired.

Lacking the higher bit rate at lower frame rates it's beginning to look like the E-50 camera may end up a non starter. Changing the lens on a spare CGO-3 might well be more than adequate for inspection work at half the cost. Hopefully the 520 won't end up a "one trick pony".
Forgive my ignorance but recording at 4K 30 fps a bitrate of 60 Mbps is not enough? I know there are cameras that record getting a bitrate of 200 Mbps but really 60 are not enough? 100 Mbps at 60 fps not enough? To what price range do we have to go to exceed the values given by the E90?

Regarding the exposition I fully agree but I will be more positive. Those of you who already have the aircraft can do some tests and publish them so we can see what it is really capable of doing? Putting the exposure in automatic and different values and we can compare. The E90 is a new camera, it cannot be compared to the existing previous cameras.

The last thing I've heard is that the E50 is going to be distributed this week or next week. Soon we will have comparisons between the two, I hope so :D
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If you're satisfied with YouTube level video, 60mbps is fine. If you have an H480 you're already there. If you intend to do more serious work, it's well below production standards. 100mbps is the starting point. Higher frame rates do not make for better video unless looking to work with effects. 24-30 is better.
If you're satisfied with YouTube level video, 60mbps is fine. If you have an H480 you're already there. If you intend to do more serious work, it's well below production standards. 100mbps is the starting point. Higher frame rates do not make for better video unless looking to work with effects. 24-30 is better.

I haven't found before, now yes, I think the correct data is that the 4K has a maximun bitrate of 960Mbps. It's true, there are even mobile phones that record at 200Mbps. I'm surprised at the numbers.

I'm curious and being a little offtopic, what would be the average bitrate to consider it of quality currently?
At 960mbps the 520 would have a bit rate superior to an Arri Alexa or any Red. I seriously doubt that is the case.
At 960mbps the 520 would have a bit rate superior to an Arri Alexa or any Red. I seriously doubt that is the case.

No no no, I say that the standard has set to record at 4K 960 Mbps, is the maximum.

The question is, how much is consider as good bitrate?

P.D.: I'm gonna have to change the translator I use :confused:
As resolution increases it's not uncommon for bit rate to decrease. For the bit rate to be highest at 4k 120fps while less at 1080 or 2k resolutions is odd.
No service for a few days.........


First flight......

Um I'll say straight up.

Not impressed with the actual Hex part.

The Camera is very nice. But the distance from controller is poor.

I was continually getting loss if data.

There was no way to see an arrow pointing back to me to know how to return home. So most of the time I would toggle RTL and it would orientate the correct way and then I would go back to Angle mode.

On the second flight with the use of a ND filter the camera would ask of a sudden drop to pointing straight down. It would Bounce around for a few seconds then lift back up to what ever level I had it set at.

This happened 3/4 times in the one flight.

I'm hoping it was a balancing issue. So may have to put some counter weight on the back of the camera.

Image quality is beautiful on my 2017 iPad Pro 12.9"

In my opinion there are a lot of features missing from the interface that are needed.

It needs an update.

The original H520 batteries did not show lasting 25-28minutes.

But it was their first cycle. So I'm hoping it gets better.

30% was around 18-20 minutes.

Decent is only 2.5m/s I want it faster.

When you are pushing the batteries and at the 200m limit..... It takes almost another 2minutes just descending. Going up was 4m/s I think.

We haven't had any internet so it has been hard to reply.

I would not recommend it as a first drone atm it needs some software work for newbies.

But the camera is the thing that makes it work.

So hopefully we get this camera on the old H and the old flight software.

3 out of 5 stars so far.
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Well Done.
Devil in the detail, always. Means safe flying if you know your stuff. Enjoy your break with family.
Regards Lloyd


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Thanks for your honest thoughts on the H520 Haydn. Sounds like they have some work to do ......

Thanks for the update. You're not the first to encounter a camera issue, although the customer orders that have been shipped and received do not seem to have had any. 2.5m/s is much, much too slow for descent. Being based on PX4, the climb and descent rates should be relatively simple to adjust, although it may require a firmware change to do it.
Thanks for your honest thoughts on the H520 Haydn. Sounds like they have some work to do ......

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