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Help... H firmware won't update

Aug 8, 2016
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Ok guys... Dramas updating the H.
This pic is all that happens. Clean formatted card with only the H file on it. As soon as I press the update button this happens, press ok and it goes back to flight mode. Any ideas?

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Ok guys... Dramas updating the H.
This pic is all that happens. Clean formatted card with only the H file on it. As soon as I press the update button this happens, press ok and it goes back to flight mode. Any ideas?

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I assume you rebooted the st16 and retried?
Yes. Tried everything... Even went out and bought a brand new Class 4 U3 card this morning and still the same problem.

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You'll have to uninstall and reinstall Flightmode. Yuneec walked me through it at one point. It was easy
It's the actual H I'm having trouble with Wes, not the ST16?

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Maybe try re-binding the st-16 to the H? Just thinking of simple things to try. I'll let you know if I can think of anything else
Yes. Tried everything... Even went out and bought a brand new Class 4 U3 card this morning and still the same problem.

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I had a different issue with my update. Spoke with Yuneec Customer Service and they said you need to use a Class 10 card. Has to do with the way the ST16 and H read and process the data! Plus you need to use Chrome browser also.

Hope this helps.
I had a different issue with my update. Spoke with Yuneec Customer Service and they said you need to use a Class 10 card. Has to do with the way the ST16 and H read and process the data! Plus you need to use Chrome browser also.

Hope this helps.

Yes definitely true, and did you download the correct update? I saw where a few guys were downloading and having errors after trying to update with the EU version of the update. Can you double check to make sure the standard update was downloaded, while using chrome?
Sorry guys...Typo. Definitely Class10 U3 card.

Typhoon H STD V2.21A from the USA site.

Tried at work this morning, Formatted fat 32, downloaded thru Chrome... Same result... Am running out of ideas and patience.

Anyone in Adelaide South Australia with a Typhoon I can talk to?

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Sorry guys...Typo. Definitely Class10 U3 card.

Typhoon H STD V2.21A from the USA site.

Tried at work this morning, Formatted fat 32, downloaded thru Chrome... Same result... Am running out of ideas and patience.

Anyone in Adelaide South Australia with a Typhoon I can talk to?

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Your post shows you sent this last Sunday, so I don't know if you have succeeded or not. However, you show the Typhoon H STD V2.21A from the USA site.

I just looked to make sure, and the version I downloaded as many of the others have done, is:
Firmware Typhoon H STD
Gimbal:v1.22, Autopilot:v1.26,

Are you sure you have the correct update?
Sorry guys...Typo. Definitely Class10 U3 card.

Typhoon H STD V2.21A from the USA site.

Tried at work this morning, Formatted fat 32, downloaded thru Chrome... Same result... Am running out of ideas and patience.

Anyone in Adelaide South Australia with a Typhoon I can talk to?

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The Typhoon is picky about what type of memory card it uses. I have a 128Gb Snadisk Extreme card that I like to use, but the H wouldn't do the firmware update while using the card. I swapped it out to the 16Gb card that came with the H and it worked just fine.
I had another 64Gb card that I tried and it also did not work.
For what it's worth, I 'll tell you a mistake I made that resulted in the H not taking the update. I downloaded the update twice onto my laptop by mistake and the second download file added a (1) in the file name , as it was a duplicate of a file I already had. As luck would have it, I iploaded the file with the (1) in the file name and the H would not read it. Went back and grabbed the original file and all was good

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