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MapView Overlay in the Core App or 3Rd Party app

Jul 7, 2017
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I'm new to Yuneec Typhoon H. I just purchased the Intel ReaLSense version and should be arriving this week. Very excited to get my hands on it.

This is not my first drone. I've owned the DJI Phantom 3 Advance and currently own a 3DR Solo and the GoPro Karma.

What I'm surprised and disappointed to discover is that the Typhoon does not have a mapview like both the 3DR Solo and GoPro Karma drones. I've been reading a lot of the comments in this forum and I'm very surprised to hear that some people are totally against it. The mapview is such a basic function that I just assumed that the Typhoon had it without giving it a second thought.

Has there been any news from Yuneec to have this functionality in a future build or any 3rd Party Developers to build this simple and yet so important function as a 3rd party app such as Litchi is for DJI products and Solex is for 3DR Solo?

Thanks for listening!
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I think it is safer to have the mapview to determine the heading of the craft and to see exactly where it is if you loose sight of it. I think it is a very useful safety feature to have. I don't look at it as tool to use to fly the craft blindly, but strictly as a safety feature.
I Don't own a dji or solo. But how does the map feature work without cell signal? I know Google maps struggles when cell signal drops off.
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As parr of your preflight planning the apps cache the map of the areas that you're planning to fly and/or create a waypoint mission of when you're connected to a wifi or cellular network.
Have you looked at the UAV toolbox? It has a good mission planner and can display maps of the flight plan.
If you loose track of where the H is located you can simply use the Green Arrow to bring it back into view.
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I've been reading about it and seen a few YouTube videos on it. It's OK, but it's not integrated with the ST16. I still say that Yuneec or someone should go that extra mile to develop an integrate and much more elegant solution like most if the other big drone companies such as DJI.
The toolbox is an app that can be installed on the ST16. It does cache the maps for the area you are flying.
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But it's not integrated with the Typhoon ST16 app. from my understanding and from what I've seen, they are totally separate and independent of each other.
If you are looking for a map view while you are flying, the H will not do that. The H520 will have that feature. At least that is what I have heard. Because Yuneec was the first company to offer a 1 year warranty they have been cautious about allowing apps to be installed which could interfere with the flight functions on the ST16. Seeing the camera view on the controller would seem to me to be a viable way of knowing where the H is located if you loose sight of it. This is, after all, designed as a camera and video platform.
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Since you seem to agree that it's a viable solution and to avoid 3rd party apps being developed and risk the possibility of interfering with the ST16 functions would it not make perfect sense if Yuneec added bthis functionality? From your last comments you seem to agree with this requirement and if so could this still happen as a future upgrade to the ST16.
Um...that's not what I said at all. The camera view is perfect for my needs in videography. I have no need to see a map while flying.
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I've never flown a drone that has a map based view - my machines have either had no display, or purely a video display like the Typhoon. I can see how a map might be reassuring, but don't miss it in the slightest as a feature.

All of my missions are within the legal limits - within line of sight at all times - so I'm pretty confident in knowing where the drone is. The telemetry does the rest.

To answer your question though, we're unlikely to see any new firmware for the Typhoon in the run up to the H520 being released. The company is focused on that model, which is aimed at commercial users and will have a completely different user interface specifically for professional pilots. Once that is out of the way, I hope we'll see more information about the future of the consumer range. In the mean time, get out there and enjoy flying :)
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Sorry I'm new to Yuneec. What is the 920? Is that a different version of the ST or a different Yuneec quad?
Ok Googled it. It's another Yuneec H quad. So if this model has it why could it not be done on the H. I'm not sure why there is such a resistance and negativity against having such a useful and well sought after capability. Yuneec would only benefit from this by attracting more buyers.
Well I wouldn't say it would attract more buyers. It's not that great of a feature. I have flown many planes quads with the map feature available and I have to say I have never used it except for once to try it. We are not saying you are wrong or right its just a personal preference.
The 920 is a commercial based drone so it has different features. It also only display s the map in waypoint mode so if you manually fly it you won't get the map.
Someone on here has shown how to change the TH model to the 920s might do a search for Typhoon 480 waypoints.
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Is there a video or pictures on how you can change the TH model to the 920s and what it looks like? Thanks.
Neirher the H or the 920 is a "quad". I've read your posts in two threads and it's apparent you have done very little info research for the H before buying one. I suggest you hold off on your questions, queries for modification, and product improvement suggestions until you learn more about what you bought.

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