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To use or not to use, Typhoon H Realsense

Mar 4, 2019
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OK, I want some input on the Realsense camera system. I don't have one currently but I am thinking of getting one for my H Plus. I have read posts of people saying it does work well and others saying it doesn't. If you have used the Realsense setup, let me know what you think. Does it do much more than the obstacle avoidance system already installed? Should I purchase one for my drone?
Yo, @cabinfourus,

My take: depends on whether one intends to fly in tight quarters, i.e. near stuff a little more significant than tree branches.

I have one H480 with it. Have tried it a few times. It works. But, that was just testing it under a canopy of trees.

In my “normal” flights, I am never in an area where I should be concerned about obstacles. I trust my vision and situational awareness a bit more than being dependent on sensors.

If one does a search, in these pages, on Realsense, my guess is the results will lean toward “I never use it; removed it” rather than the opposite.

Again, one opinion.

Good luck!

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I have read posts of people saying it does work well and others saying it doesn't.

From my experience it works very good. It does exactly what it is supposed to and is very reliable. Still I do not use it very often. I am quiet an experienced pilot so I am very compfortable with the controles. I rarely have a need for an anti collision system. I would not buy it again for myself. Not because it is bad, which it certainly is not, but because I do not have a need for it.
If you did not buy it with your setup, buying it after the fact is really not necessary. The after market price is ridiculously expensive. So, if ya got $$$ to burn,sure...
it really will NOT help much to make flying your hex any easier or better. ?
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OK, I want some input on the Realsense camera system. I don't have one currently but I am thinking of getting one for my H Plus. I have read posts of people saying it does work well and others saying it doesn't. If you have used the Realsense setup, let me know what you think. Does it do much more than the obstacle avoidance system already installed? Should I purchase one for my drone?

I have a new H plus also but I got mine with the Intel realsense module included with my purchase. Yuneec states in the manual that the Intel realsense unit that it fitted in the new H Plus it a NEWER unit and can be upgraded with new features as and when Intel release them !? (I wonder if this will ever happen)
I also find with my short time using the drone that I leave the realseans turned on most of the time. If the wind is strong above 20Mph I will turn the Intel unit off as you will the extra speed you gain to handle the wind strength. There are a couple of things that I found to be disappointing 1: the realseanse unit doesn't work below tree or four meters in height! 2: When flying forward at speed with the unit turned on the front of the bird will be pointing down at an angle and can sometimes cause a fails reading by the reanseanse module.
I hope that others with more flight time will chime in and give you a more long therm use case study and give you a more comprehensive reply.
I have it on my H480.
I have used it very little.
I do not think it works as well as the one shown on the Yuneec website.
To tell you the truth, if
You do get it you better
Learn all about it.
Because you can still crash your Drone with it on. Just a word of caution.
Keith Kuhn
I bought Realsense for my first H480 after a crash that was totally my fault (ignorance). The crash crushed my ego but really did little to the H480 as I was only a few feet off the ground. I used Realsense a couple of times after installing it but as my flying skills improved I found it more of a nuisance than something of value I'd be inclined to use often.

My second H480 doesn't have it and I mostly fly that these days.

What would be a good price for adding a realsense. If I could get it for $350 should I?
Hi Cabinforus,
I bought my first H480 with reals encephalitis module part of the deal. I used it a few times after that until the novelty wore off. But, as of the last 5 to 6 months I have had jobs that required the use of this module in the indoor positioning system. My job as doing inspections required several indoor flights of factories, it was not a job I will do lightly next time as it takes a huge amount of skill to get what you need for the customer. Several similar jobs since then have gone up in price signicantly. So my answer is if you are not using it in a business save the , not insignificant amount of $$$$$$ , and put the money to better use. John Hennessy. ( JOHNNO)
Keep flying on the green side of the grass .
What would be a good price for adding a realsense. If I could get it for $350 should I?
There is version1 for the TH/TH Pro and version 2 for the TH Plus. $350 sounds steep for version 1, not sure what version 2 is going for. In the US the Plus came equipped with the RS module, but the EU had the Plus available with RS and without. Not even sure version 2 was available separately.
I truly thank each of you for this input. I built my TH Plus from parts I purchased separately and is the reason I don't have the Realsense already. From the input, I am not sure I need it.
I truly thank each of you for this input. I built my TH Plus from parts I purchased separately and is the reason I don't have the Realsense already. From the input, I am not sure I need it.

You most likely don't need
it. Sounds like you just
like building a drone and
Experimenting. I bet you
get one.
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I truly thank each of you for this input. I built my TH Plus from parts I purchased separately and is the reason I don't have the Realsense already. From the input, I am not sure I need it.
Did you build an H Plus or just the H? The H Plus uses an ST-16S controller and the TH uses the ST-16. Seems I remember you having several threads hunting parts for the H480 system.
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OK, I want some input on the Realsense camera system. I don't have one currently but I am thinking of getting one for my H Plus. I have read posts of people saying it does work well and others saying it doesn't. If you have used the Realsense setup, let me know what you think. Does it do much more than the obstacle avoidance system already installed? Should I purchase one for my drone?
Here is me using realsense.
Real Sense (RS) for the everyday flyer in everyday situations is not a necessary feature. If you are flying where you aren't suppose to be flying like @PatR suggests, yet have to fly anyway because the situation or job demands it, eg. search and rescue in forested areas, flying inside a building for commercial/industrial inspection etc., then RS is invaluable. This last example brings up a feature of RS that no one has brought up yet, IPS mode, or Inside Positioning System that is incorporated inside the RS. If you happen to be anyplace where satellite signals are not available, IPS kicks in and provides very stable (Read: rock solid) positioning, to an altitude of about 40' AGL.

Again, not something that comes up in everyday flying for most people, but the IPS is extremely accurate and stable, much more so than the GPS. The down side of IPS is it is automatically engaged and there is no manual control. RS would be more useful if the operator had control over when to turn it on and off.

A couple more downsides of RS are: 1 When engaged it slows the response and speed of the aircraft, and 2 it also shortens the flight time a little bit.

$200 ~ $250 is a good price for an H480 RS, I have not seen anyone selling Plus RS yet so I have no idea what sellers might be asking, however I cannot see why it would/could/should cost more, other than supply and demand given the abundance of 480 units compared the fewer number of H Plus units.

BTW, I have an H Plus RS unit that is like new, that was taken off mine right after I got it, that I would consider selling for $250 to anyone interested. However do NOT contact me about it in this thread, you must PM me because this is NOT a classified thread.

(Mods, if I have stepped over a line here, I will gladly delete the last paragraph).
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Did you build an H Plus or just the H? The H Plus uses an ST-16S controller and the TH uses the ST-16. Seems I remember you having several threads hunting parts for the H480 system.
Real Sense (RS) for the everyday flyer in everyday situations is not a necessary feature. If you are flying where you aren't suppose to be flying like @PatR suggests, yet have to fly anyway because the situation or job demands it, eg. search and rescue in forested areas, flying inside a building for commercial/industrial inspection etc., then RS is invaluable. This last example brings up a feature of RS that no one has brought up yet, IPS mode, or Inside Positioning System that is incorporated inside the RS. If you happen to be anyplace where satellite signals are not available, IPS kicks in and provides very stable (Read: rock solid) positioning, to an altitude of about 40' AGL.

Again, not something that comes up in everyday flying for most people, but the IPS is extremely accurate and stable, much more so than the GPS. The down side of IPS is it is automatically engaged and there is no manual control. RS would be more useful if the operator had control over when to turn it on and off.

A couple more downsides of RS are: 1 When engaged it slows the response and speed of the aircraft, and 2 it also shortens the flight time a little bit.

$200 ~ $250 is a good price for an H480 RS, I have not seen anyone selling Plus RS yet so I have no idea what sellers might be asking, however I cannot see why it would/could/should cost more, other than supply and demand given the abundance of 480 units compared the fewer number of H Plus units.

BTW, I have an H Plus RS unit that is like new, that was taken off mine right after I got it, that I would consider selling for $250 to anyone interested. However do NOT contact me about it in this thread, you must PM me because this is NOT a classified thread.

(Mods, if I have stepped over a line here, I will gladly delete the last paragraph).

I have never used the
IPS. I had seen a video on it one time, to engage it
was a different procedure.
I have never used the
IPS. I had seen a video on it one time, to engage it
was a different procedure.
Yes, there is a way to manually engage IPS on the H480. There is a secret sequence of switch flipping that will enter into IPS "Test" mode. There is a YouTube video that explains this, and it does work really great. However in order to switch back to GPS, the aircraft and (I think) controller needs to be rebooted.

Unfortunately that same switch sequence does not work on the H Plus (no surprise there!). As of now I still do not know how to turn on IPS Test mode on the H Plus.
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