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What's the new features you want H plus to have?

Lights that can be changed over to strobe lights.
Built in transponder that would squawk a specific # for a specific drone manufacture.. ie; 400 for Yuneec, so when you're flying in an ATC area.
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I WOULD not have purchased the H+ had I known that it didn't record audio.:(
You could also mount a recorder on the body the drone is powerful enough to carry the extra load. But I don't think you would get anything but annoying prop noise on it.
Lights that can be changed over to strobe lights.
Built in transponder that would squawk a specific # for a specific drone manufacture.. ie; 400 for Yuneec, so when you're flying in an ATC area.

I’m betting that as NextGen comes online and the technology miniaturizes, ADS-B will be the answer to this and local airspace management. FAA Registration will not only register the airframe and serial number, but also the ADS-B onboard unit as well.
I’m betting that as NextGen comes online and the technology miniaturizes, ADS-B will be the answer to this and local airspace management. FAA Registration will not only register the airframe and serial number, but also the ADS-B onboard unit as well.
This would be nice, and I'm all for it, though there are those who would cry fowl.:rolleyes: However it's to risky not to have this implemented do to the nature of the decaying environment, let alone idiots who think its cool to do whatever.:rolleyes:
I’m betting that as NextGen comes online and the technology miniaturizes, ADS-B will be the answer to this and local airspace management. FAA Registration will not only register the airframe and serial number, but also the ADS-B onboard unit as well.

I'm wondering if using ADB-S for remote ID of sUAS is practical. Forget the cost and equipment, think of how cluttered it will make information displays. There are only around 200,000 general aviation aircraft in the US, but there are over 1 million registered sUAS! I can see that swamping the ADB-S system. I suspect the FAA will come up with something different for sUAS remote ID.
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I would like the following image formats:


I have little use for JPG and no use for thumbnails. I only want dings. Generating a JPG, DNG and a thumbnail just clutters up things and uses extra cycles. I know it’s easy to sort by type, copy over the dings and delete the rest....but it’s just a simple thing to implement. Select DNG and that’s all you get....no JPG and no thumbnail.
You could also mount a recorder on the body the drone is powerful enough to carry the extra load. But I don't think you would get anything but annoying prop noise on it.
I've considered using a separate mounted device for recording audio, again audio from the vantage point of the H+ is important for certain applications. Thanks for the input. Would you have any thoughts on a reasonably good device for performing such a task?
I've considered using a separate mounted device for recording audio, again audio from the vantage point of the H+ is important for certain applications. Thanks for the input. Would you have any thoughts on a reasonably good device for performing such a task?
Could you please add a bit more info on certain applications? Normally there is annoying noise when rotors work, how do you get clear voice record?
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Considering sound recording; in my opinion, we are better off recording ambiant sound in same flight site after or before the flight - with a normal but good quality recording system - as a separate action. and this sound track can then be edited onto your video.
These could include: Forest noises, cascades, waterfalls, birds, cars, city sounds, etc.
But keep in mind that up there it is usually quiet beyond your drone's noises.
But you would not want the propellers' noise -- unless you are particularly interested in this noise for some artistic or technical reasons.
I can appreciate though that you may want to monitor the sound of your propeller for good health.
I have noticed in some videos where the propellers sound were recorded that when you had droplets of water or heavy fog, or clouds then the sound of the props did change; so this could be one more way of controlling what is happening to your drone.
One of the things I disliked the most was having to remove the mad hornet's nest audio and replace it with something else. I like Yuneec not recording the buzz of the props.
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[QUOTE = "Exaere, post: 162236, miembro: 17789"] ¡Duda que Yuneec realizará cualquiera de esas actualizaciones / funciones en el futuro!
Prefiero una cámara con buen zoom óptico y vuelos de punto de paso automatizados como el H520.

También me gustaría un nuevo trabajo, Range Rover y Kaley Cuoco como mi amante ... Todo lo anterior es igualmente dudoso [emoji26] [/ QUOTE]
yo incluiria regulacion velocidad en POI.

Translated to English:

[QUOTE = "Exaere, post: 162236, member: 17789"] You doubt that Yuneec will perform any of these updates / features in the future!
I prefer a camera with good optical zoom and automated waypoint flights like the H520.

I would also like a new job, Range Rover and Kaley Cuoco as my mistress ... All of the above is equally dubious [/ QUOTE]

I would include speed regulation in POI.
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As I fly in SAR in the winter, a working thermometer would be nice. Been guessing at temps at higher altitudes

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