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What's the new features you want H plus to have?

YUNEEC, PLEASE, give us the opportunity to download your files directly from your site.
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I would like to see separate files, easier to download and an explanation of what those files will do and or change.
Alas we will always be on a need to know basis and apparently we don’t need to know. There is no reason for a Chinese based corporation to behave otherwise. It’s going to take a third party hack to give us what we want someday. Meanwhile, practice practice practice. So many drones so little time.
one good file for ST16s, one good file for the C23
Actually these files are interdependent and system maybe not work even introduce risk when you only upgrade one file, for instance camera or ST16.
So separated firmware files are not easy for end-user to upgrade, something maybe you think look well, but if drone out of control, you have to ask "Is it due to I upgrade with the wrong or mismatch firmware file?"
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Actually these files are interdependent and system maybe not work even introduce risk when you only upgrade one file, for instance camera or ST16.
So separated firmware files are not easy for end-user to upgrade, something maybe you think look well, but if drone out of control, you have to ask "Is it due to I upgrade with the wrong or mismatch firmware file?"
It has been weeks, if not months, that I write that OTA Yuneek installations are not always reliable!

1. New features for photography and video maker, example time-lapse photography, real-time panorama, zoom etc.

*Don't forget Hyperlapse (Hyperlapse and Timelapse can now be auto converted to video.. hint* as a file option)

2. Professional camera and image quality

*Supports CGOET.

3. Support mobile phone as remote control

*Also having a mission hub (as well as mapping) would be beneficial.

4. More than 30 mins fly

*Would be great.
(Release the full capability of the PixHawk underneath that canopy)

5. Long distance transmission

*A must.

6. Four directions avoidance

*A great addition, hands down.

7. Other

Fix and Request:

*Curve/Expo. for Joystick and K2 slider.
*Battery temp. reading.
*Bring common tools back. IMU, Gyro and RC calibration.
*Fix the histogram (When histogram is open, ST16s stalls during password entry to home WiFi)
*Continuous sequential file numbering, instead of broken down files with the same number in multiple folders.
*Dynamic picture mode. A Y-LOG perhaps? with customizable settings for Saturation, Sharpness, and Contrast.
*Lastly, relocate the GPS/Compass module. By offering a new top hatch mold as an upgrade, with proper cooling ventilation or heatsink.
*Exposure display setting option or physical slider that can changes the exposure and ISO on the fly, by utilizing the B2 aux button as a "C" (control) selector-switch mode assigned to K3.

Thank you for your time.

1. New features for photography and video maker, example time-lapse photography, real-time panorama, zoom etc.

*Don't forget Hyperlapse (Hyperlapse and Timelapse can now be auto converted to video.. hint* as a file option)

2. Professional camera and image quality

*Supports CGOET.

3. Support mobile phone as remote control

*Also having a mission hub (as well as mapping) would be beneficial.

4. More than 30 mins fly

*Would be great.
(Release the full capability of the PixHawk underneath that canopy)

5. Long distance transmission

*A must.

6. Four directions avoidance

*A great addition, hands down.

7. Other

Fix and Request:

*Curve/Expo. for Joystick and K2 slider.
*Battery temp. reading.
*Bring common tools back. IMU, Gyro and RC calibration.
*Fix the histogram (When histogram is open, ST16s stalls during password entry to home WiFi)
*Continuous sequential file numbering, instead of broken down files with the same number in multiple folders.
*Dynamic picture mode. A Y-LOG perhaps? with customizable settings for Saturation, Sharpness, and Contrast.
*Lastly, relocate the GPS/Compass module. By offering a new top hatch mold as an upgrade, with proper cooling ventilation or heatsink.
*Exposure display setting option or physical slider that can changes the exposure and ISO on the fly, by utilizing the B2 aux button as a "C" (control) selector-switch mode assigned to K3.

Thank you for your time.
1. Many pilots also said aviodance is useless and want no realsense version
2. Battery temp is for ? Just smart battery?
3.could you add a bit more info on GPS/compass idea?
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Better Jpeg quality is important to many of us. The C23 Jpeg quality is terrible compared to the CGO3+ Jpeg. Most of my photographs do not need to be DNG files, so Jpeg is fine. But the C23 cannot produce an acceptable Jpeg that I want anyone to see. Not every photo needs to be post-produced, sometimes I want to just share the image as shot, but I can't because the C23 Jpeg quality is embarrassing.
I would agree with jpeg but as someone who shoots RAW files on DSLRs, 5 seconds for a drone that is labeled photography drone is not acceptable. There is no reason the C23 is not capable of snapping photos at 3 second intervals. 2 seconds for jpegs. I could handle doing jpegs but for the love of god..... Market the product you could have instead of the product you are denying your customers.
1. Many pilots also said aviodance is useless and want no realsense version

Obstacle avoidance is important for any drone operator. Whether you are a beginner or a professional videographer, safety is important. Because, some of us does not operate in a perfect world, some ventures our beyond the hover.

Film makers are flight in bold flight patterns to get the shots, and these mavericks are paid to do this, errors are made in a split second, but now everyone is thanking the a feature that made a difference and that is the OBS. In the construction industry is it the same, close quarter inspections, when the PIC and the VO are on the same page, and the drone is closely approaching the subject, and relying on the VO for verbal instructions or warning, but it got dangerously close, the OBS is there to save him. I have completed two bridge inspection, where the OBS saved my drone from hitting the top of the bridge.

2. Battery temp is for ? Just smart battery?

Yes, where we can see in live data 1) flight time 2) Temp 3) Cycles within the ground station controller, and also these data should be included in the telemetry log, aside from the voltage data. I am a dronelogbook user, on there, I can keep tabs on the health of my batteries from my other drone. With my Yuneec batteries, I am handwriting all of my cycles, date and time, there are occastions that I forget. Thus, it will be a good idea to have a digital all my battery's digital footprint.

3.could you add a bit more info on GPS/compass idea?

This is pretty interesting, I had called Yuneec US if there is a possibility of an upgraded module, because at one point it was advertised, and I had complained about my dilemma, but at the time this problem and to-date is foreign.

When I first got my H Plus back in August, I had gotten build 757 on the H+ and the first problem that I had encountered is that H+ would ascend, without throttle input. In the pass, I built and flown an M200 and the M600 These drones has to be perfect before it could fly. So, I was a little bit familiar, with the symptom.

This problem usually occurs, if 1) the vehicle is not properly calibrated or, interrupted procedure. But f all of the calibration is Okay, yet still no without avail. The next and ultimate solution is to examine the a GPS/compass relocate it. This is also a similar a solution with racer drones. Right now, as is, with the current H (480, Plus, and 520) the design is suffocating the GPS/Compass inside the shell due to heat. I along with a few others, as proven that by relocating the GPS/Compass is beneficial.
I would agree with jpeg but as someone who shoots RAW files on DSLRs, 5 seconds for a drone that is labeled photography drone is not acceptable. There is no reason the C23 is not capable of snapping photos at 3 second intervals. 2 seconds for jpegs. I could handle doing jpegs but for the love of god..... Market the product you could have instead of the product you are denying your customers.
I think 2 seconds for jpegs and 5 seconds for DNG reach current system maximal ability.
Yes, maybe the quality of current JPG is not good. Hence if a top level jpeg image quality contains, then you wouldn't be anxious on it.
Actually, for me, I like to shoot outside, and review them with mobile phone, select several best ones and share in the friend moments right now. How about you? @DCH @JackMTaco

BTW: Which camera do you think have the best image quality in 35mm type? Sony? Canon? Hasselblad? Leica? or other?

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