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  1. R

    Did I short change my Batteries when charging - Batt Capacity

    I am about to charge up two brand new Gifi batteries I recently got (7500 and 6400). I made note of the battery status before starting so I can monitor them long term. I am using the Hitec X2 charger. I went through all its system settings and noticed 'Battery Capacity'. It was set to 5000 mAh...
  2. Aguster

    GiFi 8050mAh H480 Battery...

    Looks like they're available on eBay only from Hong Kong for $106. Anyone had an opportunity to try one yet? I purchased one yesterday and am very curious to see how they perform. I'm not convinced about GiFi cell quality or where they're actually sourcing cells that generate 2012.5mAh (give...
  3. B

    GiFi 7000 mAh Battery

    I did get one of this recently. On the first flight it flew almost 18 minutes but after that it gives me same amount of time as the Yuneec batteries give or take a few seconds. I am charging this using the charger that comes with the H. I now suspect that It does not charge the Gifi above 5400...