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107 certificate

Mar 31, 2018
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I am interested in getting the 107 and would like to hear from those who have it some of the good and bad, hardships of getting it?
I'm part 107. I used Drone Pilot ground School. They are the best. I past the test with a 90%. I highly recommend using them. It does cost 300$ but you can find deals for it. on there website. It took me 3 months to get my card. If you need any help let me know.

Mr. I
Thanks Mr I, I'm sure as I get further into this I will have more questions. I will look them up.
Taking a ground school is one option and lots of operators have gone that route. I downloaded all of the material from the FAA website as well as poured through a lot of YouTube videos to study for the 107. The good thing about this test is; it is on your schedule, do not rush, take the time needed to digest and understand the information.
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Looks like I going to get the desktop computer out of storage for all of the downloads.
There is a lot to download and absorb. As a long time RC pilot a lot of the material came easy but I had to study very hard to get my head around some of the weather and also chart reading. I found that I would study every night for a week or two, take a week off, come back and take one of the practice tests and see where I was not retaining the material then; went back and studied some more. Did this over and over until I was confident over a period of almost two months. Unlike cramming for a college exam - this is on your schedule. ;)
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If I had to do it again, I would probably use one of the online training courses. I spent way too much time futzing with all the FAA free stuff and tests. I found a large test bank online and concentrated on specific material for questions I missed. It's worth starting with Tony Northrup's 107 YouTube video though a few pieces of info aren't exactly correct. It gives you a great idea what material to study.

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