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360 Panoramas

Aug 27, 2016
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Hi there, just picked up my H and curious is there is a way to automatically capture 360-panoramas? I've read the other threads here which said it was not possible but was curious of anything has changed?

It seems @OregonDrone has produced some great 360s with the Holy, anyone knows how he was able to do this? Is it as simple as doing it manually?

Thanks for any pointers.
Do you mean panoramas that start with the camera facing forward and then rotating 360 degrees to the right or left until again reaching the forward position?

If so you can do this with any drone, but easier on the Typhoon H. You have to manually snap the photos (approximately 12 of them). Next place the photos in any photo editing software that supports stitching. All photos will be "stitched" into one giant 360 panorama. I know there are several free or low cost (under $5) programs that do this which are available for the MAC.
Yes, exactly. Have you captured 360 panoramas with your H? Would 12 photos cover the 2 rows of photos needed to capture the nadir as well as the 360 degree horizon? (6 shots for horizon and 6 shots for nadir) Obviously the zenith can be captured from the ground. At which degree would I need to tilt the camera down in order to capture the nadir while having good overlap with the 6 horizon shots?
That I don't know. It sounds like you are attempting to capture up, middle and down, full 360. It can be done, but since it's just stills, and time passes between taking each photo, objects above and below will move and you may not get the results you hope for. There have been drone pilots who have placed the Samsung 360 camera on the Typhoon (on top or hanging in place of the existing camera) with good success. This may be another option for you.
I have done it by using video and a fast pan around. Take screen grabs of the video. You will need fron 12 to 18 screen grabs. Its not easy to get the stitching just right. There are free website's that you can upload your photos to and it will stitch them together and host the file once its done. Just google 360 degree panos web hosting and you should get a few hits

Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
I have done it by using video and a fast pan around. Take screen grabs of the video. You will need fron 12 to 18 screen grabs. Its not easy to get the stitching just right. There are free website's that you can upload your photos to and it will stitch them together and host the file once its done. Just google 360 degree panos web hosting and you should get a few hits

Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
I think doing it this way would produce a poor quality panoramic. You have to deal with video motion blur etc. Stills would be the ideal method. Sucks that it has to be done manually with the H. I've captured plenty panos in the past using my larger coax octo with the 5D Mark II. I was hoping using the more compact H that I would be able to streamline my pano capture setup.

Thanks for the info guys!
Yes, I make them also by hand but it could be a wonderfull feature if the Typhoon could make this automatically! ;)

A lot of other drones make that automatically! :D
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Automatic panoramic applications for the DJI series tend to take about 24-28 images for a 360 photo sphere exluding the top obviously but the 28 does include pitching the camera up 30 degrees which shows the props which you'll remove in post. With the Typhoon you'll want about 20-24.

In essence overlap by a good margin, do a row horizontal then a row at about 45 degrees and take at least two of the nadir taken at 0 degrees and 90 degrees as best you can make it.
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