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Typhoon H Issue

Jun 15, 2024
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I'm sure nobody noticed, but I haven't been here, or done any droning for about 2, heading for 3 years now, as my interest in that hobby got rather subsumed by EUCs, and I was getting increasingly depressed about the constantly changing and increasing UK rules we had to comply with together with more and more places being anti-drone and putting signs up everywhere forbidding flight. Eventually, all the pre-flight checks and admin and these endless prohibitions led me to leave my beloved H in the box, where it has remained since, except those few times when I go and look at it forlornly and remember how I used to love it before it all became such a constantly uphill battle...

But now the situation in the UK has changed again, and now we have much more reasonable rules about flying if you can only get under 250g. And whereas previously I just couldn't get the sort of camera quality I wanted in that sort of package, that has changed these days, and I find myself very tempted back into the hobby with something like a DJI mini 4 Pro. I know, I know, Blasphemy if you are firmly team Yuneec, but as much as I want to be, in those last few flights my H was giving me several reasons to worry that just wouldn't be there with a smaller DJI. Anyway, not here to debate the why's and wherefore's of all that, I am just deciding what to do with my H...

Does anyone still fly these things ? Would anyone want it as a whole package if I advertised it (here initially!) and what would be a reasonable price these days for one of those ? (still in its nice box / bag, undamaged, 3 Yuneec batteries, all very old and probably not up to much, and all the typical accessories.

Or would it be helpful, together, or separately, to any of you guys for spares ?

Just trying to gauge the lay of the land really..

Cheers guys
I just joined minutes ago to try to reconect with my typhoon h that I purchased from the yuneec site brand new along with two more batteries, backpack, neck strap, a set of 3 different lens thingys that I have yet to use and many sets of props ( still using original props ) right about 2 grand for my whole package and cannot get camera to function but gimble seems to operate as it did brand new. **** thing also purchased without obstical avoidence and now remote keeps telling me it cannot be recognized, duh. and camera cannot be found. could not be more pissed off at yuneec for selling god only knows how many typhoon h hexacoptors they have sold. no updates, no support, and 0 replacment parts. at same time I purchased dji phantom 3 pro brand new from dji, sorry dji for owning this drone and have yet to leave the ground with it as I immediately fell in love with my typhoon h and just could not put my typhoon h down. I dont remember exactly bought these but it has to be at least 5 years ago but went back to planes as they dont seem to freak people out even with the cameras I use on them, guess you cant spy on people with planes as they cant just hover. I live in southern oregon, country that just screams film me I am just too beautiful! I had joined the faa or ffa or what ever that 5 dollar a year is actually supposed to do for me, only paid this for the first year as I wanted to be legal. to **** with them, catch me if you can wild animals dont give a crap who flys over them or the amazing country all around me! have found a few abandoned mines and great places to prospect for gold or possibly good places to introduce to my metal detectors. I love my typhoon h and even today I just want my typhoon h back! yuneec, I wish we could meet face to face as I would love to japslap you several times. my phantom 3 pro is more complicated to understand not like taking out my typhoon h out of the box, read the quick start card and imediatly was in the air flying all around me and even went out of sight and flying by my control screen on remote. shhh I really did not do that as it is illegal to do this even though I can purchase everything I need to fly long distance for both of my drones, how lame is that? I am 68 years old and do what I want now as my kids are gone, no longer married, own nothing to sue away from me, proud disabled veteran who is proud of my home country and all the freedoms we have and use every day. guys, do I need to bring out my dji and learn how to fly it and shitcan my 2000 dollar drone for my less capable phantom h pro that I paid less for because they were the underdogs to the typhoon h when I purchased them both. I do have a question about my two extra batteries that I have yet to use are swollen like smaller ones for rc products that are cheap enough to give to interstate battery shop for disposal not landfills. I have seen my typhoon h online for sale used from250 dollars up to 1800 but really dont see any used dji phantoms for sale other than ones crashed and sold for parts of which I have not seen. yuneec blows as far as any support goes and do not give a **** about their old customers that were faithful to them. I realize I just mainly bitched about the one flying rc that I fell hopelessly fell in love with even today still. its been years since I brought it out but for what I paid for it, sitting still for years should not hurt it. sorry for the length of this, I just want to fly my drone again like I did when I first bought it. but my battery question I did not finish is: can a small pin prick to release the swelling then seal the tiny prick with superglue make the battery safe to use again? dont need any more problems. what say anyone? thanks for ANY help I can get. thanks in advance fellow members!
but my battery question I did not finish is: can a small pin prick to release the swelling then seal the tiny prick with superglue make the battery safe to use again?
No ! In the (hazardous material) bin for any pack that has swollen, if you care at all about safety. Those batteries are not rescuable, and every flight you try on them now is maximum risk, both to the battery and whatever it is in when / if it catches fire, or swells further so it can't be removed from the craft at all ! This is actually the biggest reason that many stop flying and retire their H's gracefully - we can't get new original batteries anymore, so unless you can find and be bothered to use one of those conversion kits (sorry, that one's from the UK, but it shows they still exist !) people like me have moved onto other drones, where you can actually get the right spares !

Having said that, if you were tempted to go back to DJI like I did, that in itself might be one of the precious freedoms you guys enjoy in the States that is showing every sign of being about to be taken away from you, so maybe reviving the H IS the best option ?! Before ALL the Chinese drones are banned, which might be where they're heading. You are in the very best place to get help for it at least, if we're thinking positive !
No ! In the (hazardous material) bin for any pack that has swollen, if you care at all about safety. Those batteries are not rescuable, and every flight you try on them now is maximum risk, both to the battery and whatever it is in when / if it catches fire....
Good advice. And to add to the advice, please be aware the "pin prick" itself is a very good way to start the fire right there in your hand. The heat, flames and fumes are phenomenal and unbreathable. And you can't put it out.
To make matters worse, there are four cells in each battery. You can't tell which are swollen, which are not, or where each boundary is because of the swelling. The middle two are not even remotely accessible within practical means.
Lastly, the gas you see as swelling is what used to be the battery. That percentage of the battery is gone, whether you vent it or not. The battery is just as dead after venting as it is before.
@komodo with dedicated action on your part we can likely diagnose the issues with your camera that I assume to be a CGO3+ since you say your aircraft is a Typhoon H.

With it being several years of sitting on the shelf the batteries are very likely beyond being usable for flight unless you have been using a third party charger that is capable of doing a storage charge. Even then you have to monitor them at least every 60 days to make sure they are maintaining a proper storage charge.

Do you have a smart phone or computer capable of using 5.8GHz WiFi so we can check the WiFi signal of the camera?

Do you have a home WiFi that has 5.8GHz signal so we can check the functionality of the ST16 WiFi module?
I bought some new original batteries not long ago sent from china. Brand new power 4 lithium polymer batteries. I have been using them until I took a break from the obnoxious heat!!
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