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Any way of bringing obstacle detection into the drone?

Jun 8, 2022
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I seriously love this drone ever since I've had it, but sometimes I just wished there was obstacle avoidance...
One time my dad was trying it out back then (who gifted it to me) and while I told him to use Smart mode he overestimated himself (as quite often) and used AP instead.
Was trying the QC in his garden and when he had it turned to him next to a tree... you might know what happened. Luckily nothing got damaged since it landed on a pile of dry grass.
The other day was more horrifying though. I was trying it out after a long time again in my garden, if I remember right also calibrated. I was flying in AP mode as most of the time, with GPS on because the stabilization is a good thing to exist.
Very weirdly after it was flying for a minute or so successfully and I was trying out the kinetic features of it (swiveling around, flying into directions) I was steering to the left and it just stood still in the air. I let go off the stick and BAM! went straight into the brick wall.
I was genuinely horrified. Still, weirdly enough the cam was completely alright. But the casing had a crack (surprised that it even stood that up so well, it was a hard crash) and I fixed that myself with strong permanent glue. It's been sturdy again ever since.

So, simply thought about it. Any way of getting detection on there?
Only if you can mount sensors and rewrite the firmware for the aircraft and ST10 and the flight program that controls the aircraft.

The aircraft that Yuneec does have obstacle avoidance on only sees in front of the aircraft and not to the sides or rear. Very few drones from any manufacturer have 360 degree obstacle avoidance and those that do still have issues seeing many things that will crash an aircraft.

The best obstacle avoidance is VLOS and experience controlling the aircraft in the different modes of flight. This includes Smart Mode and Angle Mode both with and without GPS assist.
Only if you can mount sensors and rewrite the firmware for the aircraft and ST10 and the flight program that controls the aircraft.

The aircraft that Yuneec does have obstacle avoidance on only sees in front of the aircraft and not to the sides or rear. Very few drones from any manufacturer have 360 degree obstacle avoidance and those that do still have issues seeing many things that will crash an aircraft.

The best obstacle avoidance is VLOS and experience controlling the aircraft in the different modes of flight. This includes Smart Mode and Angle Mode both with and without GPS assist.
That is of course very true. Control is the most critical component in flying drones. However I was left out of power when my drone crashed into the wall as it responded wrongly.
So I guess as it has never again happened ever since I will safely fly the Chroma for now until I may get a new one in the future, I think specifically I'll use it for photos and videos - as it really does have a great camera and especially its gimbal.
Follow the directions in Attachment 67 FlightLog Retrieval for Chroma and post the resulting zip file to this thread. We can look at it and possibly determine what caused the unexpected reaction in the flight that crashed into the wall.


So, simply thought about it. Any way of getting detection on there?
The simple answer is: No. Even if you can manage to create a complete new firmware for it (which is very hard to do) I think the hardware/processor is too restricted (low CPU speed, not enough memory and so on).

Strange behaviour is often a result of inaccurate GPS or compass problems.
For the first one, let it wait a bit longer before take-off to get good GPS fix and start in open area away from trees and buildings.
For the second item, do a compass calibration.

br HE
Ho fatto ricerche su questo argomento. Un modo per portare il rilevamento degli ostacoli nel drone è utilizzare un sensore dedicato. Esistono molti tipi diversi di sensori di ostacolo disponibili sul mercato, ma la maggior parte di essi funziona utilizzando un sonar o un laser per rilevare oggetti nel percorso del drone. Il sensore invia quindi un segnale al drone, che eviterà l'ostacolo. Un altro modo per portare il rilevamento degli ostacoli nel drone è utilizzare la fotocamera. Molti droni moderni sono dotati di telecamere che possono essere utilizzate per il rilevamento degli ostacoli. La telecamera può essere utilizzata per rilevare ostacoli nel percorso del drone e quindi inviare un segnale al drone per evitare l'ostacolo. Quale metodo è migliore dipende dai requisiti specifici dell'applicazione. Se il drone deve evitare ostacoli in tutte le direzioni, è necessario un sensore a 360 gradi. Se il drone deve solo evitare gli ostacoli davanti a sé
Il forum è in inglese, per i prossimi interventi sei pregato di scrivere in quella lingua. Grazie

The forum is in English, for the next interventions please write in that language. Thank you

I have done research on this topic. One way to bring obstacle detection into the drone is to use a dedicated sensor. There are many different types of obstacle sensors available in the market, but most of them work by using a sonar or laser to detect objects in the drone's path. The sensor then sends a signal to the drone, which will avoid the obstacle. Another way to bring obstacle detection into the drone is to use the camera. Many modern drones are equipped with cameras that can be used for obstacle detection. The camera can be used to detect obstacles in the drone's path and then send a signal to the drone to avoid the obstacle. Which method is better depends on the specific requirements of the application. If the drone is to avoid obstacles in all directions, a 360-degree sensor is required. If the drone just has to avoid the obstacles in front of it
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All true what you write, but as had already been pointed out a post above, it is also necessary that the sensor is interfaced with the control board of the drone, which requires the development of a dedicated firmware. In the end it is not as simple as it may seem...

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