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B&H Photo Update

Mar 2, 2016
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Anyone get this email today from B&H ? Appears they have had the $83.99 battery preorders sent to Yuneec to ship direct ! As a minute after below, I got a UPS tracking update, that my battery will arrive overnite with One Day UPS! Guess they got to much heat! How can Yuneec ship direct to us, but B&H can't get them to direct ship beats me!:rolleyes::rolleyes:
B&H Photo <[email protected]>
3:38 PM (2 hours ago)



to me

420 Ninth Avenue, New York, NY 10001
800 - 221 - 5743
212 - 239 - 7765
Order Status

Dear DroneClone ,

The following item(s) will be shipped directly to you by the manufacturer/distributor.

Order Number:
PO Number:
Billing Address:

Shipping Address: "Same As Billing Address

Item Qty Item Description
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Anyone get this email today from B&H ? Appears they have had the $83.99 battery preorders sent to Yuneec to ship direct ! As a minute after below, I got a UPS tracking update, that my battery will arrive overnite with One Day UPS! Guess they got to much heat! How can Yuneec ship direct to us, but B&H can't get them to direct ship beats me!:rolleyes::rolleyes:
B&H Photo <[email protected]>
3:38 PM (2 hours ago)



to me

Item Qty Item Description

Cool, Sounds like B&H gave Yuneec a good talking to and to save all parties money Yuneec going to ship themselves.
Good your getting your battery after the long wait.
2 months from now Venum or GiFi will come out with a clone at half the price and better battery. :) Just like they did for the Chroma batteries
Thought you cancelled your order there DC??

I wonder if this has anything to do with my email to them this morning.
Earlier I got the usual "Still out of stock" email even after they said they were expecting a shipment on 07/08 and would start shipping them.

I also asked "Do you not have ANY Typhoon batteries at all or are you selling them first to other customers that are paying the $139 price?"

So I emailed them and got this response.

I'm sorry to hear about the delay you are experiencing with your order.

Unfortunately the item you purchased is still on backorder. We will contact the manufacturer for an update of when we expect to have this item in stock. As soon as we receive a response from them, typically within 2-3 days, we will forward this information to you via email.

Also, please be assured that we fill all orders in the order in which they are received.

I truly like B&H and this is why I did not get mad until now. I don't think they are pulling anything, I think they simply were not getting them from Yuneec. That is understandable but still it is going on two months now and that 07/08 shipment did not come in?? That is why I emailed.

I have not yet received the email you did DC but you ordered a few days ahead of me so I am hoping to see that this week sometime.

Maybe I can finally get the thing in the air finally.
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I didn't have time to cancel, as they sent this before I called them!, Oh! they had them, a friend ordered 2 of the $83.99 batteries the day before me, and got them 3 weeks ago! And B&H told me the 7/8/16 shipment would be their 3rd lot. Anyways happy to see you got them on their toes!
Hope you get yours very soon also Paladin! ;)
Thought you cancelled your order there DC??

I wonder if this has anything to do with my email to them this morning.
Earlier I got the usual "Still out of stock" email even after they said they were expecting a shipment on 07/08 and would start shipping them.

I also asked "Do you not have ANY Typhoon batteries at all or are you selling them first to other customers that are paying the $139 price?"

So I emailed them and got this response.

I'm sorry to hear about the delay you are experiencing with your order.

Unfortunately the item you purchased is still on backorder. We will contact the manufacturer for an update of when we expect to have this item in stock. As soon as we receive a response from them, typically within 2-3 days, we will forward this information to you via email.

Also, please be assured that we fill all orders in the order in which they are received.

I truly like B&H and this is why I did not get mad until now. I don't think they are pulling anything, I think they simply were not getting them from Yuneec. That is understandable but still it is going on two months now and that 07/08 shipment did not come in?? That is why I emailed.

I have not yet received the email you did DC but you ordered a few days ahead of me so I am hoping to see that this week sometime.

Maybe I can finally get the thing in the air finally.

I got the the item is still on back order email this morning too. I tried to call on Friday but they were closed for what don't know as it was not on thier holiday schedule. By the time I had time to contact them when I was in a meeting today, CS had already closed. I ordered two days after DC so I'm hoping I get a shipment email soon. I'll try CS in the morning. But thanks for the heads up DC at least there is still hope :).
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How can Yuneec ship direct to us, but B&H can't get them to direct ship beats me!
Because B&H didn't order their manufacture. Yuneec is the customer that the manufacturer responds to, as far as when to make then and where to ship them. It would be really chaotic if retailers could tell the manufacturer where to send the products, and people with orders at one site would probably never get them by being blocked by the demands of another.
Well I called them this afternoon and the guy told me they don't have any idea when shipment would come in.
I told him I have been promised 3 times and he put me on hold and was gone for about 3 min. left me with music.
He finally came back on and said they will keep me updated on when batteries will be coming in.
I again complained, some more and I said how can you keep saying you will definitely have them on such and such a
date and then you don't get them. He said some kind of mix-up , I was not happy and he said I would get them when they come in.
I ordered the day the price was posted on their website. , I also tried t call Friday. Well I am glad DC is getting his, let us know
if they really do ship to you DC
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I didn't have time to cancel, as they sent this before I called them!, Oh! they had them, a friend ordered 2 of the $83.99 batteries the day before me, and got them 3 weeks ago! And B&H told me the 7/8/16 shipment would be their 3rd lot. Anyways happy to see you got them on their toes!
Hope you get yours very soon also Paladin! ;)
I am very confused after my long conversation yesterday with B&H. The gentleman I talked to, told me B&H had not received
any batteries for over a month, and they were waiting for them to be made by the factory, and no date yet on when B&H will get them.
Now this is the email I just received this morning.

Hello ,

Unfortunately we don't have an expected delivery date at this time for the YUNEEC TYPHOON H BATTERY- 1-PACK as it is currently backordered by the manufacturer.
As soon as we receive it in stock we will promptly ship it to you. Once the order has been shipped we will notify you via e-mail.
We apologize for the delay to your order and any inconvenience it has caused you.
Please let us know if you require any further assistance.
Thank you, we appreciate your business.

DC you say you will get them shipped from the factory, overnight UPS. How does the factory charge you when B&H only charges
your credit card when they ship to you.
Someone if not everyone at B&H is lying about this issue. What gives, anyone else have similar stories.
I also told them I am buying equipment from other companies for my recording studio, that they sell, I could buy from them
because it is about the same price. But why would I when their stories are all over the place.
I rest my case...
How does the factory charge you when B&H only charges
your credit card when they ship to you.
I would wager the question of "how" would be answered by "it isn't physically possible for the factory to charge you". You didn't give your payment info to the factory, you gave it to the vendor. The vendor gets charged for the order, and the factory ships it to the address the vendor supplies. In the instance of a drop ship, the vendor provides the shipping address of the end user, not for their warehouse or retail location.

When the factory ships, they charge the vendor and send shipment details. The vendor should then verify the end user's delivery address and process their charge to the end user with the supplied payment info. At no time should the factory need to know any details of your transaction other than the items to send and your shipping address. What you pay is irrelevant to them, the vendor is their customer.

The factory will charge the vendor at their price, the vendor will charge you at your price, and the shipping charge is handled depending on the situation. In this, it looks like there was a one day shipping upgrade due to the delays and confusion.
I at least hope DC gets his batteries, everyone needs some luck sometime. Hope our time is coming..
I got the the item is still on back order email this morning too. I tried to call on Friday but they were closed for what don't know as it was not on thier holiday schedule. By the time I had time to contact them when I was in a meeting today, CS had already closed. I ordered two days after DC so I'm hoping I get a shipment email soon. I'll try CS in the morning. But thanks for the heads up DC at least there is still hope :).

Easy part first. During daylight saving time we close Fridays at 2:00pm NYC time. every week. No holiday -- our regular schedule. We're closed all day every Saturday too BTW.

We DO fill all back-orders in the order we receive the orders, oldest first. We do no distinguish by price paid nor by domestic vs international purchasers. Customer "A" orders at 9:00am on Monday and customer "B" orders at 9:15, customer "A" gets his (her) goodies first.

I'm sorry for any confusion. We appreciate everyone's patience.
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DC you say you will get them shipped from the factory, overnight UPS. How does the factory charge you when B&H only charges your credit card when they ship to you. Someone if not everyone at B&H is lying about this issue. What gives, anyone else have similar stories.

No one at B&H is lying to anyone. Why would we when it'd be so simple to discover if we did and then share the incident with everyone online?

When a customer orders something from B&H the customer pays B&H. That's true for in-stock items, back-ordered items, drop-ship items, special order items and so on. You do not pay the factory or the distributor or the manufacturer or our supplier. You pay B&H.

For a US customer who pays with a US credit card, we charge the card when the merchandise is shipped. For non-US customers and for US customers using other payment methods we charge when we receive the order.

For any item that's not immediately available we include a status note on the product's page on our site. A typical note would say:

This is a Special order item. Est. arrival at B&H is 7-14 business days (subject to availability). Your order will be charged at time of shipment. Item is non-cancelable and non-returnable.
PayPal Orders
Payments processed using PayPal will be charged immediately (as opposed to when an order ships).
International Orders
For international orders, credit cards will be charged at the time you place your order.
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Of course today I got the usual B&H "You are out of luck message" again. No luck like DC got. i:)i

Thanks Henry. I know you cannot ship what you don't have. Just weird that it is taking this long for you guys to get stock.
I can only hope that this is a good thing and the H is selling really well.
Easy part first. During daylight saving time we close Fridays at 2:00pm NYC time. every week. No holiday -- our regular schedule. We're closed all day every Saturday too BTW.

We DO fill all back-orders in the order we receive the orders, oldest first. We do no distinguish by price paid nor by domestic vs international purchasers. Customer "A" orders at 9:00am on Monday and customer "B" orders at 9:15, customer "A" gets his (her) goodies first.

I'm sorry for any confusion. We appreciate everyone's patience.

Hi Henry thanks for the reply appreciate it. H'mm I think is was 10am PST when I tried to chat but I could be mistaken so I apologize if I'm incorrect. Anyway, I chatted with CS and asked if the shipment was received on 7/8. I was told no and that unfortunately no time frame for the batteries were given by the manufacturer at this time and that no batteries have shipped out as of yet> I told him of a forum member stated that he got an email that his order was going to be dropped shipped from the manufacture and within 20 minutes he got a tracking number from the manufacture. He told me that in this case you will not drop ship like in DC case, that simply did not happen and that the batteries would be coming from B&H so does that mean DC is not telling the truth? Sounds more like confusion on your end. You need to update the response card you have the CS reps reading off of. So Henry you have to understand people are upset and I believe have the right to be as they were mislead by B&H as this was after being told about multiple ship dates just check the forum. It's nice you chimed in but you need to carry this information back to B&H and Yuneec as well and not make excuses for your company. Bottom line, just hope it gets straighten out soon. Oh and my order is a paypal order so B&H already has my money (I know I'm a sucker).
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DC was in the same boat as all of us. Looks like B&H selectively chose to drop ship his order perhaps more to minimizing negative PR I'm assuming because he's been more vocal online about it. Doesn't look like that's happening for the rest of us. Technically what B&H is doing is in violation of FTC rules with online sales & backorders, but hopefully we can avoid that firestorm.

At the end of the day we just want our shipments and to me it's very clear that for whatever reason, B&H is being selectively short changed by Yuneec IMHO, while all the other retailers big and small are getting new shipments weekly. Something definitely amiss....
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