I have an ultra power charger and adapter for the Typhoon H battery. I know the stock chargers that came with the H are pretty weak from a balance/ function standpoint (no storage charge, IR measurement etc.) and can lead to premature battery degradation fairly quickly. My question-- I find myself in a position of needing to charge more than one battery at a time. Can I use the stock charger (I have 3 of them) and then run a balance cycle (after charging the batteries on the stock charger) on the Ultra Power charger with the same benefits of just using the Ultra Power charger? The Balance cycle on a charged battery is WAY faster than a full charge. That's what I am thinking that function is for? I would buy a 4 port charger, but that is not in the cards for a while, plus I am cheap/ or broke, or both. I already have these old chargers. Any input would be appreciated.