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Being a Yuneec poster child

May 7, 2016
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Gurdon, Ar
i can't believe I am saying this but we are now hearing horror stories. I personally am waiting till the dust settles be fore I have any major repaire done to anything per my TH. I still like and fly my H who I call the Goose. I don't believe it is Yuneec that is doing this. It has to be their Dealers.
i can't believe I am saying this but we are now hearing horror stories. I personally am waiting till the dust settles be fore I have any major repaire done to anything per my TH. I still like and fly my H who I call the Goose. I don't believe it is Yuneec that is doing this. It has to be their Dealers.
I don't understand what you mean by that statement (call me dense if you wish).
John very few people bought their TH from Yuneec . They went thru a dealer. Some of the dealer got returns and sent them right back out w/o checking them out. This in turn gives Yuneec a bad name and it could have been done on purpose. Does that make sense. There are Ford, Chevy, and Dodge Guys. I'm a Yuneec guy and I drive a Honda.lol
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John very few people bought their TH from Yuneec . They went thru a dealer. Some of the dealer got returns and sent them right back out w/o checking them out. This in turn gives Yuneec a bad name and it could have been done on purpose. Does that make sense. There are Foed, Chevy, and Dodge Guys. I'm a Yuneec guy and I drive a Honda.lol
Oh ok, gotcha. I'd hate to think that was the case. My distributor here in Spain was so worried about sending out lemons that he personally took each and every one he had in stock and flew them and tested them before shipping out to the end user. I thought that was a good move but interestingly a lot of his customers expressed a lot of unhappiness and receiving the box already opened and the vehicle already flown. Guess it's the "I wanted it virgin" thing.

Having said that my unit seems to fly ok (but am still very worried about it) but my ST16 is a piss off. The MicroSD slot is completely broken and I have two dead pixels on the screen. Grrrrrr!
Then send it to Yuneec UK. They wifi fix it or send you a new ST 16. Good luck
Having said that my unit seems to fly ok (but am still very worried about it) but my ST16 is a piss off. The MicroSD slot is completely broken and I have two dead pixels on the screen. Grrrrrr!

Regarding the Micro SD, that seems to be the case with many ST16 controllers. Mine would not hold the Micro SD card in, I had to hold it in place with my hand. It also was not aligned properly (there was a gap) and one can accidentally push the Micro SD into a space under where it should go.

I have a feeling there are many, many Typhoon H owners out there who have not made very much use of the Micro SD card slot on the ST16 and don't realize they have problems ahead.
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