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C23 camera will not start taking video or images

Jul 27, 2019
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My C23 Camera on my Typhoon H Plus is having an issue in that it will not start recording video or take an image. The camera is bound to the controller. I have unbound that and rebound it several times. It identifies my SD card. I went as far as reformatting the card. I have swapped out the card. It identifies the second card fine. Both cards I have used in the past with no issues. When I depress the video button on the ST16 controller, nothing happens. When I press the screen button to start recording video, nothing happens. When I press the photo button, nothing happens, I can not switch back and forth between photo or video on the touch screen. I usually just shoot video and capture still images from the video. I have ordered two new SD Cards which will hopefully be here Friday. I should point out that the camera has full access motion when I manipulate the controller for left right, up down. I have a green light on the camera.
My C23 Camera on my Typhoon H Plus is having an issue in that it will not start recording video or take an image. The camera is bound to the controller. I have unbound that and rebound it several times. It identifies my SD card. I went as far as reformatting the card. I have swapped out the card. It identifies the second card fine. Both cards I have used in the past with no issues. When I depress the video button on the ST16 controller, nothing happens. When I press the screen button to start recording video, nothing happens. When I press the photo button, nothing happens, I can not switch back and forth between photo or video on the touch screen. I usually just shoot video and capture still images from the video. I have ordered two new SD Cards which will hopefully be here Friday. I should point out that the camera has full access motion when I manipulate the controller for left right, up down. I have a green light on the camera.
It sounds a little bit like a camera that was mounted after the drone was powered up (Hot swapped). One quick check would be to ensure the drone is off, remove the camera, put it right back on, and start the drone.
If restarting doesn't help, more information might be helpful.
Considering camera, drone and/or controller, did anything change between the last time the camera worked normally and the first time it did not? Things like long storage, hard landings, firmware updates, factory reset, repairs or modifications or actual equipment changes.
Do you have another camera;/controller/drone that could be used for mix/match type troubleshooting?
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The C23 camera has never been changed on this drone. It is the original that came with it. Camera operates fine. I am getting a video feed in the ST-16 controller. When I go to start recording the video, (either by pressing the onscreen record button or ST-16 start button for video), the video display freezes in the ST-16. Camera controls through the ST-16 are still functional. I shut everything off, ST-16 and Drone. Restart the ST-16 first than the drone. The video Feed is once again operating.

For Cards I am using Netac as I noticed in the forums here that was recommended by another pilot

I just attempted another video attempt by pressing the onscreen button on the ST-16 controller. The video feed froze. I powered down the drone and repowered it back on and the video feed was reestablished. The screen was no longer frozen.

When I restarted the drone. I did not have a video card in the drone. It did indicate on the ST-16 controller there was no card present. I shut down the drone. I put a card in the camera, restarted the drone. Video feed on the ST-16 was restored indicating the card was present again. I pressed the onscreen button and it started recording... I am ready to bang my head against the wall.

I ordered two more Netac cards 64gigabytes each if it is a card issue.
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Reactions: Steve Carr
So you are able to format the card while it is installed in the camera?
Can you try setting the pictures and video to the lowest resolution and see if it works?

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