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CasePro hard case from SkyBoss Drones

Jul 5, 2016
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I was shopping for a hard case for my Typhoon H and after looking at all the options I decided on the CasePro case from SkyBoss Drones. Yes hard cases cost a lot of money and they are all in the same price range $299-350. My H came with the backpack and I will use that some of the time but not when I'm out doing shots for people, I want to look a little more professional. After looking at some of the other cases I either did not like the layout or they were missing slots for things or the foam was not very rigid or just cut poorly. One of the cases you could see how the foam would lean in and close slots where stuff fit in. I like the way the CasePro case looked. One of the other cases offered a hard case for your batteries that pulled out for airline travel and I liked that but I did not like something else about the case. I did not like the cases that had you slide the transmitter in upside down with the antennas down. I like that the CasePro has the H down below the foam. It is large and roomy and comes with a small hard case for little items. I can put my large dual charger in it with all the cables down blow that so while traveling I have all I need. Also I was told they are going to come out with a battery case/bag that you can put your batteries in and take with you as carry on when flying. I will get one of these and review it then.
. By the way I spoke with the owner of SkyBoss (name escapes me) and he was very nice and easy to deal with. Case was shipped right away and the only reason it took a week to get to me it because the post office let it sit for a couple days in 1 location and then the day they said I would get it. they did not deliver it and I got it 2 days later. These are not the fault of SkyBoss Drones.
Yes I paid full price and I'm not getting anything for this review....as you can tell I'm not real good at reviews.

Here are some pics and please let me know if you have any questions
In the pics you can see it has nice large handles on the front and both sides. Large locking holes and a large handle for when you are pulling it on the wheels. image1.JPG image2.JPG image3.JPG IMG_3217.JPG IMG_3218.JPG IMG_3219.JPG IMG_3220.JPG IMG_3222.JPG
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Nice-looking case. I'd be interested in one with a slightly different foam layout that can accommodate the SkyView goggles -- they don't come with a case or bag.
Nice-looking case. I'd be interested in one with a slightly different foam layout that can accommodate the SkyView goggles -- they don't come with a case or bag.
You could very easily put the fatshark style goggles in this case. I do not see the need for goggles with this copter yet. When you have them on you cannot see the screen to make changes. I do have 2 of the large goggles like SKyview and a pair like fatsharks. I do not know if I will hook them up or not. I may let others wear them while I fly.
Here is a list of the items in the case and a new pictures with my goggles in there too.
Typhoon H with Camera
ST-16 Transmitter with neck strap
Sun Shade
2 sets of Props
4 batteries
Lens filters
Lens Pen cleaner
Micro fiber cloth
Stock charger
Power supply
Charging cables
12v Charge adapter
Dual Charger and Cables
Skyview Diversity Goggles
HDMI cable
SD Card wallet
Micro SD adapter
Woah, very nice and professional looking. Are you doing any paid gigs or just want the best in protection?
Very interesting, thanks could you post the dimensions of the case, would you be able to take it on as hand luggage or is it to big. Thanks
I wonder if they could custom cut the foam so another st16 could go where the batteries are and the batteries in the area for the st12
Looks like the best layout I've see so far. All batteries together and proper depth. How is the area where the camera sits? Is the gimbal supported like in the original foam?
Looks like the best layout I've see so far. All batteries together and proper depth. How is the area where the camera sits? Is the gimbal supported like in the original foam?
There is no special support for the gimbal but it would be very easy to make something up for that. Now that you have brought that to my attention I may have to make something once my camera and gimbal get back.
There is no special support for the gimbal but it would be very easy to make something up for that. Now that you have brought that to my attention I may have to make something once my camera and gimbal get back.
Yea, I was interested in this case I went in online chat with them last night and asked for a photo of the area around the gimbal...they didn't have a photo, and said they would email me one...so far no email...
I think indeed its very important that until you can support the gimbal in all directions like in the original foam that you remove it from the H when in that case.
Yea, I was interested in this case I went in online chat with them last night and asked for a photo of the area around the gimbal...they didn't have a photo, and said they would email me one...so far no email...
I think indeed its very important that until you can support the gimbal in all directions like in the original from that you remove it when in that case.
I just looked at the foam that my Pro came in and there is not much in the way of support there. It has walls around the gimbal camera area but they do not really support it. They would keep it from getting pushed real far in any direction but under normal conditions the gimbal is free floating in there. It would be very easy to duplicate this but if I do something it will be something that fully supports it.
I just looked at the foam that my Pro came in and there is not much in the way of support there. It has walls around the gimbal camera area but they do not really support it. They would keep it from getting pushed real far in any direction but under normal conditions the gimbal is free floating in there. It would be very easy to duplicate this but if I do something it will be something that fully supports it.
No way man, I've just checked mine an advance, it's locked in tight front and back touching the foam, left and right the total free space is less than 10mm. If you use it like how you describe how it is, for sure your going to overload the plastic rails the gimbal attaches to and break them...Your choice, but if I was you I would look at cutting out and gluing down the central part of the original foam into your new case.
No way man, I've just checked mine an advance, it's locked in tight front and back touching the foam, left and right the total free space is less than 10mm. If you use it like how you describe how it is, for sure your going to overload the plastic rails the gimbal attaches to and break them...Your choice, but if I was you I would look at cutting out and gluing down the central part of the original foam into your new case.
Not going to cut up my foam as I will be using the backpack sometimes. I think only one of the cases I looked at had any support for the gimbal and it was not much. I have not heard of them breaking in the cases but I will watch out for it and if needed I will put some kind of support in there.
It's a tough choice to cut up or not, even if they don't break in the cases, it's going to stress the connections a lot more without support that with, that could result in just a weakened connection which could fail in flight in high wind for example. In my opinion Yuneec made the original foam like that for a reason...and anything less is a risk.
I guess I'm not going to be getting that request of an internal photo email from them too..:rolleyes:
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Thanks for the feedback. We work closely with Casepro and will speak to their designers about the gimbal foam you spoke about. They really welcome the feedback from customers and strive to make the best cases out there, not just throw a piece of foam in a box. We are really selling a lot of these cases and everyone seems to like them.

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