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CGO-3 Tilting

Dec 19, 2015
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My camera was tilting a lot.So i sent it
to yuneec three weeks later (not bad I do live in N.J.) got it back four flights now every thing works great.I even flew farther
then I ever have without losing video 1800ft.+ I hope everything keeps working.
Now I just have to figure out how to get the mini I pad to work better.
Good luck, had similar problem sent mine back 4 weeks ago their not sure when where or how to find it..lol
Well it started tilting again on the fifth flight.It also tilted with the steady grip.Call yuneec First they said my warranty was up.
So I had to explain that the six month from purchase date was.
But they just repaired this two weeks ago.So I asked if they
guarantee there work ?? After some time I was told to ship it back
Now I am worry.Are they to do the same thing.I told them that I should get a new camera.They said they can't
do that.So now I have to wait for them to fix it,send it back to me
and hope it works.I am not feeling good about this at all !!
I spent a lot of money for this and picked yuneec over the other
because of the camera.I will let every one know what happens.
Yuneec replaced my camera twice and it still has the tilting issue on an intermittent basis. Not sure they know why this occurs. As soon as I see it tilting, I land and restart my controller and Q500. This usually solves the issue, but I hope they can correct this with a firmware update.
Yes I could land and restart and it will fix the issue.BUT we
spent a lot of money for this Q500 and we should not have to do this.Yuneec should fix the problem be it with a firmware update
or a new camera.BUT they do need to to something if they want
to continue to sell these !!!
YUNEEC should be ashamed.They can't seem to be able to fix the problem and seem to be doing very little about it.
I will say something positive when it works it great. I just want it to work is that asking for to much
I got a camera from yuneec the other day. I don't think its a new one but if it works thats ok. Flew 4 times the 5th. had a tilt.
now I was flying for forty five min. or more.I am going to do
some more test before I call yuneec again.
I know this is an older thread, but I am a new flyer and am experiencing the same issue. I simply land, and reboot and it seems to fix it. This is pretty annoying tough and debating what to do? If there is a fix, I want to get it done, if not, I may return it for a new one.
well I sent my camera back today.For the third time.Yuneec is sending
me a new one.They have bin trying to help me.Hopefully third time is a
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I think I will begin the sad trial of sending my camera in. I was hopeful that it was a software fix and could simply do an update and be fixed, but do not want to be left with a camera that I never know if it will stay level. Maybe the DJI model wasn't such a bad option after all... :(
I got a new camera from yuneec yesterday.Brand new in the box.
Flew for about forty five minutes last night. Everything is looking good.
I also flew over 2000 ft. before losing video!! But I don't want to get to
excited because it took over five or six flights before the last two camera
started to tilt.Hopefully third time the charm.If anyone from Yuneec is
reading this Thank You

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