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Cheap Chineese Props

Jan 1, 2019
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I am neither advocating or knocking .... I am just sharing an experience here so PLEASE take as given....

Hooshion 4 Pairs Propellers Rotor Blade
Sets A & B for YUNEEC Q500 Q500M Q500+ Q500 4K Typhoon G
RC Air Force Airplane Helicopter Propeller Quadcopter Drone(Black)
$ 22.05

Purchased from an undisclosed location deep in the bowls of the South American Jungle.....do the math.....

YES I had heard the hoor-stories about them snapping off in flight etc. Having learned here and there that these props have a suvere inbalance issue, I also ordered the usual prop balancer, 99% of the general popolous cant ALL be wrong...RIGHT...?

AFTER resolving the fact that the prop balance shaft did not fit GOTH the prop and the hardware on the balancer, I ended up drilling out the center of each aluminium spinner, passing the rod completely through the spinner and stabalizing on the rod from there on out in the perscribed manner.

Initially one can simply "feel" the diference in blade thickness by getting a little touchey feeley with each of the 2 blades on a hub/spinner....one side is easily thicker than the other....

To counter this imbalance, and (hopefully) add a bit of streingth to the weaker blade I covered the LIGHTER blade with the thinnest clear, carton sealing tape I could get my hands on quickly and cheap (free) ly.....

Yes, it adds a little weight, Yes in changes the aerodynamics of the chord of the airfoil (making it ever so slightly larger....more lift...???) I am sure that someone with some Compuational Fluid Dynamics software would be able to run some simulations and come up with some answers in a jiffy, but thats not me.

I flew it, they did not break, and preformed (seemeingly) very well, time will be the true test.

I have included some pictures (full size because it IS hard to actually see it.

I will update this post as the situation warrants.

Please share your thoughts, comments, experiences, and experiments.

Blade - 1.pngBlade - 2.pngBlade - 3.png
How were the holes drilled?
I bought those fake props for my Typhoon H and I will never use them again. When they arrived I noticed the balance was horrible. Aproximatly one out of ten had a balance I would consider to be ok. Obviously I had to balance all of them.

Still I had two incidents where they flew apart midair. First time only one blade flew away which was hardly noticable at all. Only the sound had changed due to the imbalance and after landing the motor was extremly hot (it burned later on).

Second incident was not that lucky. I hovered at about 15m of hight and checked some camera settings. Suddenly I heard some kind of bang and the same buzzing noise I knew from the incident before. I looked up from the remote and saw the Typhoon H descending very fast but not freefall. It hit the ground with gear up and destroyed the entire CGO3+. The camera was a total loss. There were even hardly any parts left I could use as spare parts. From what a friend witnessed I came to the conclusion that one blade of the right, back motor must have flown away and hit the back left propeller, which lost both blades. Having only one of four blades left in the back, there was no way it could possibly stay airborn.

After these two incidents I decided not to use these faked propellers ever again and warn everyone who thinks about it. For this lesson I had to pay about 350€ for a new camera.
I got these prop balancing shafts, which seem to work good for me.

AFTER resolving the fact that the prop balance shaft did not fit GOTH the prop and the hardware on the balancer, I ended up drilling out the center of each aluminium spinner, passing the rod completely through the spinner and stabalizing on the rod from there on out in the perscribed manner.
How were the holes drilled?
Cheap hand held battery powered drill holding prop in one hand and drill in the other from the inside of the spinner....

Blue Skys
It's better not to use carbon or strong props. Because if you crash and they don't break. Forget your motor or your drone it graps in the ground

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