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Congress considers privatizing the air traffic control system

Feb 14, 2016
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The Federal Aviation Administration is in the middle of a hiring binge for air-traffic controllers, but just how long the 6,000 people who get the jobs can expect to work for the federal government is unclear.

Frustrated by the FAA’s bureaucratic inertia, there is bipartisan sentiment in Congress to spin off the agency’s biggest single workforce — the almost 15,000 people who control the nation’s air traffic — into a separate corporation.

Rep. John L. Mica (R-Fla.) presented a bill to the House aviation subcommittee Tuesday that would create a private corporation to govern air travel.

Congress considers privatizing the air traffic control system
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Ah Just we need, the republicans think everything should be controlled by private corporations! For profit health care, for profit school system, for profit prison system and now a for profit air traffic control system. What could possibly go wrong? oh i dont know, as soon as they put profit ahead of safety (which will be from day 1) flying in a plane will no longer be the safest way to travel in this country.

There are certain things that should not be run by private industry, and air traffic control should be at the top of the list!
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I want government out of our lives as much as possible. In this instance, making air traffic control run by a private company is not a good idea.
The biggest problem with the privatization of the ATC system is it is going to drive up the cost of general aviation so that guys like you and I simply just can't afford to fly. We will train fewer pilots because it is already far to expensive to train. That is not to mention what it will do to the cost of flying commercially. Privatizing the system, the plan is to start charging user fees every time you talk to a controller or use a controller's service. The is also thought as well, to have landing fee charges even at a non towered airports. As it is cities and and local FBO already charge parking/landing fees at some airports. So this would be in addition to that. I am a pilot that can't afford to fly civil now because of the cost. So we are just going to make it impossible for any average person to learn to fly or once you learn continuing to fly. But hey who are we kidding, it already is that way!!!

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Ah Just we need, the republicans think everything should be controlled by private corporations! For profit health care, for profit school system, for profit prison system and now a for profit air traffic control system. What could possibly go wrong? oh i dont know, as soon as they put profit ahead of safety (which will be from day 1) flying in a plane will no longer be the safest way to travel in this country.

There are certain things that should not be run by private industry, and air traffic control should be at the top of the list!

why do you think you get speeding tickets in your car.

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