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Controller Gimbals

May 27, 2019
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So I haven't had this yuneec h for very long. I'm having issue with the controller Gimbals being really touchy. I just start to move in any direction and it jerks. After it's in motion it's smooth untill I want to change direction. Can this be changed?
It is possible to make adjustments, but before doing so it is recommended to check the sticks’ response in Hardware Monitor before making any changes. Using the Hardware Monitor ensure that the output follows the stick movement without lagging and returns to center without any offset showing. Make sure full movement reaches 100% in all directions.

If all is good there then refer to this video for a great explanation of the procedure.
It's a rather odd peculiarity of the H but it doesn't seem to affect the video. You can dampen it somewhat using the rabbit/turtle slider. If you are experienced with expo settings you can also make some adjustments, but that isn't recommended unless you know exactly how the procedure is done. A slip in pressing the wrong setting can end in a crash.
Thank you. This is nothing like any dji product I've owned. Im not a fan, but dji seems to be the one. I always wanted one of these. Huge learning curve
It is a bit different flying a Yuneec and there are some differences from flying a DJI. I am sure I would have a learning curve going to a DJI system.

My major suggestion in flying a Yuneec product is to fly in Angle mode and realize that Home mode returns the aircraft to about 26 feet from the ST-16 controller.

If you decide to use the Smart mode at all, read that section of the extended manual a few times first. Then practice using it in a large open area to see how it works especially inside the magic circle.
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Huge learning curve
It is in the beginning. Once you start to get a feel for how it flies as well as how the functions work, you will appreciate the aircraft.

This is my preferred preflight checklist.

Check Prop mount screws
Props are locked
Battery is locked and flush with the H
Battery voltage on the display is 16.3 or higher (17.3 H Plus)
Sat count on the H is at least 15, and 7 or more on the ST-16.
Switches in the correct position
Open Hardware Monitor and test the sticks while waiting for sat lock.
Stand 30' away from the aircraft
Take off full throttle to 15', then test sticks.
Land when the battery voltage reads 14.7

If this is your first flight remove the camera until you can fly it well.
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That jerking might be from the strong GPS lock the H480 has. Doing the broken line rate curve will help but, it won't go away completely. Use turtle mode when coming off a hover also helps. Yuneec needs to do a firmware fix of some kind.
As a former flyer of DJI, when I came to Yuneec and got my first Typhoon H, I too discovered the relatively abrupt 'off center' movement of the H something that I thought was due to a possible bad controller. As I looked deeper into things and spent more time with the H those problems were less of a factor, but I did find that by adjusting the rate curves I could get it a little closer to my liking. The fact of the matter is the Typhoon H has very few (possibly just one) bad manner and this is it.

I would echo the cautions above in that; if you are going to go into the channels setting menu, make sure you fully understand what it is you are trying to achieve as many who did not understand have caused major problems that have even led to complete aircraft loss.

The hardware monitor is an important tool that I too advise to use before every flight to ensure the controls are in fact operating correctly.
It's a rather odd peculiarity of the H but it doesn't seem to affect the video. You can dampen it somewhat using the rabbit/turtle slider. If you are experienced with expo settings you can also make some adjustments, but that isn't recommended unless you know exactly how the procedure is done. A slip in pressing the wrong setting can end in a crash.

Just curious does Expo mean expedite ?
I make it a point to to stay as far from the channel settings as possible. Thanks for the advice
It is in the beginning. Once you start to get a feel for how it flies as well as how the functions work, you will appreciate the aircraft.

This is my preferred preflight checklist.

The minimum Preflight Checks on the Typhoon H:

Check Prop mount screws
Props are locked
Battery is locked and flush with the H
Battery voltage on the display is 16.3 or higher (17.3 H Plus)
Sat count on the H is at least 15, and 7 or more on the ST-16.
Switches in the correct position
Open Hardware Monitor and test the sticks while waiting for sat lock.
Stand 30' away from the aircraft
Take off full throttle to 15', then test sticks.
Land when the battery voltage reads 14.7

If this is your first flight remove the camera until you can fly it well.

darn good checklist.
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I agree. The reason I wanted a typhoon h is because I flew one while I was in Huston helping with the floods. I looked and looked and couldn't find one close and didn't have 1800.00 I think it was to buy one. So I started with a mavic I got on trade then started buying them broken and fixing them. Now I'm starting to build a long distance quadcopter. I had a chance to get this and I just couldn't say no. It's close to hurricane season so I will be going back out for the Red Cross. I'll be taking my typhoon with me. It'll help to find damage and such
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I agree. The reason I wanted a typhoon h is because I flew one while I was in Huston helping with the floods. I looked and looked and couldn't find one close and didn't have 1800.00 I think it was to buy one. So I started with a mavic I got on trade then started buying them broken and fixing them. Now I'm starting to build a long distance quadcopter. I had a chance to get this and I just couldn't say no. It's close to hurricane season so I will be going back out for the Red Cross. I'll be taking my typhoon with me. It'll help to find damage and such
The TH is not really a long distance aircraft. For example, a dji product is far more likely to be able to fly out to a greater distance than the TH without modifications. The TH is seen rather as a VLOS aircraft. Not a problem to those of us that never fly beyond VLOS but remember that your VLOS distance on a TH will be better than a Mavic, say, simply because the TH is bigger and can thus be seen from a greater distance.
I won't fly unless I can actually see the hex.
I don't like not knowing what's going on. I have some large places to fly here
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Reactions: Steve Carr
So I haven't had this yuneec h for very long. I'm having issue with the controller Gimbals being really touchy. I just start to move in any direction and it jerks. After it's in motion it's smooth untill I want to change direction. Can this be changed?
Yes me to. I thought about adding 2 foot extensions to slow gimbals down. lol
Steve Carr... Keith is right if you're coming from another drone this seems weird. I think it's because the camera changes the center of gravity. I spent around 3 batteries wort of flying today. It seems to be something you get used to. It really doesn't affect the video. I'm really starting to like the hex. This goes without saying don't fly if you can't see the hex. Or any other for that matter.

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