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Could we use the UBLOX ZED-F9P dual band GPS Module.

John Hennessy

Premium Pilot
Jun 26, 2017
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Hi All Members,
As you know, I have been experimenting with the GPS in all of our Machines ( H480, H plus, and 520 ) and have had success in moving the MODULE into my TOWER and now have a fan for extra cooling. All of mine have been going great for 18 months plus without any incidents. But as we all know the ublox chip that they have used is not very accurate in both horizontal and vertical measurements. I have been following the use of this MODULE ( ublox ZED-F9P ) on installations on YouTube as a base and Rover configuration with reported and shown accuracy of 1 cm ( 10 mm or 3/8 of an inch ) . Yuneec have been going to bring out the 520 with RTK functions for 2 years now and still not been seen. This MODULE is dual band as in using all four satellite systems available in the world and converting one to the base station for the RTK calculations and this is at a fraction of the cost of DJI P4 RTK and any other for sale.
I WAS WONDERING IF THERE ARE ANY PEOPLE IN THIS FORUM THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS TECHNOLOGY, AS IT IS VERY HEAVY READING AND LEARNING THE PROGRAMING ETC ETC . Would Tuna know, or the member from the German Yuneec ( sorry about not knowing your name) or the blokes from Israel whether this is possible or they have it that we are tied up, that it's not worth the effort.
I am just putting it out there for some comments and see if we have the people capable of doing this for a more accurate drone system.
John Hennessy. ( Johnno )
Keep flying on the green side of the grass.
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My apologies to @h-elsner also would @Pöllö know anything that could be done to replace the old MODULE with this new one. He did a brilliant jodhpur with his last mod on the h480 with flips and such.
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Here is a discussion about this:

It should be possible to use ZED F9P but not with the current H, H+ or H520 firmware. The only way I see is with @Pöllö 's Thunderbird firmware. But this question goes to him.

br HE
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