I'm trying to get my foot out of my mouth. I made a post that it could not be done, but then was presented with some good information from a member who has flown an H520 by loading the H520 firmware on the ST16 normally used for an H480. So I'm trying to go the other way. I loaded ST16 (H480) firmware on an ST16S normally used to fly an HPlus. It loads fine. It looks normal. It will bind to both the H480 and the CG03+, move the camera around, show a picture, acquire satellites, start motors and I even let them spin them up a little. But that's all I've done. There's only about a million other things that need to work right, and I have not tried any of them. I did not find any previous discussions on this. It is dark, cold and raining here now, and I'd rather hear it from someone who has already tried it anyway. Or done it and uses it all the time.
Hence the question. "Has anyone ever flown a Typhoon H 480 by loading ST16 firmware onto an ST16S controller?"
Hence the question. "Has anyone ever flown a Typhoon H 480 by loading ST16 firmware onto an ST16S controller?"