It was down for the H520 .. but I noticed that it is for the H520E folder....
This is the H520 change log
# Autopilot Releases Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
## [v1.9.0-1.7.119]
### Changed
* fix cal_mag data miss due to sensors start faster then ist8310 pub mag
## [v1.9.0-1.7.118]
### Changed
* add yaw tortoise control loigc(#3686)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.117]
### Changed
* cancel slow up when manual mode(#3684)
* open Jerk-limited trajectory in mission mode
## [v1.9.0-1.7.116]
### Changed
* can't control gear when arm and landed(#3676)
* RC_CHANNELS need send,slave channel don't send when ofdm
* fix loiter abnormale when manual.z <0.5
* update jmavsim and fix compile error due to macos
* fix led abnormal when mode slot from rtl to angel in geofence loiter violated
## [v1.9.0-1.7.115]
### Changed
* fix rc slave channel send from FC
## [v1.9.0-1.7.114]
### Changed
* promote go line,throw optimize yaw control param and MPC_HOLD_MAX_XY param
* don't allow set mode when battery emergency
## [v1.9.0-1.7.113]
### Changed
* fix mavlink forwarding bug due to improper address use
* fix send buf error on forwarding
## [v1.9.0-1.7.112]
### Changed
* update changelog
## [v1.9.0-1.7.111]
### Changed
* Add target check in mavlink handle for message forwarding (#3669)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.110]
### Fixed
* fix size of write buf and fix target id error when passing on mavlink messages(#3667)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.109]
### Fixed
* Only enable ymavlink on h520(#3667)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.108]
### Fixed
* Fix unmatched changelog and version
## [v1.9.0-1.7.107]
### Fixed
* Regression: Allow change to rtl mode when geofence violate to loiter mode(#3664)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.106]
### Fixed
* Fix unicore rtktimeout invalid setting (#3663)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.105]
### Fixed
* Fix forward bug in mavlink message handle (#3665)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.104]
### Fixed
* Refine workflows for safety purpose(#3661)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.103]
### Fixed
* Add missing public argument (#3660)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.102]
### Fixed
* Fix deployment issues (#3656)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.101]
### Fixed
* Add missing production path for commercial deployment (#3655)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.100]
### Added
* Add commercial master deployment (#3654)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.99]
### Fixed
* fix ymavlink control error,complie wrong sequence(#3652)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.98]
### Fixed
* Add missing / for string strip in shell (#3649)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.97]
### Fixed
* Fix incorrect branch name in deployment (#3648)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.96]
### Added
* Add development deployment for release-1.7 (#3646)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.95-v1.9.0-1.7.94]
### Fixed
* Fix unmatch version (#3645)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.93]
### Fixed
* Fix deployment with github actions (#3644)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.92]
### Fixed
* fix Local Jenkins build. change Nuttx url.
## [v1.9.0-1.7.91]
### Fixed
* fix log storage(h520),seems we need to start vmount before mavlink (probably due to some ioctl's) (#3641)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.90]
### Fixed
* fine tune gimbal yaw feedward control. (#3639)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.89]
### Fixed
* modify schedule 1ms to 1000ms,fix ist8310 restart cause the system to crash. (#3638)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.88]
### Fixed
* delete NAV_ACC_RAD_RTK because it can't improve RTL accuracy and It will lead to the inconsistency between mission judgment logic and FlightTask autoline control logic If the setting is too small, the error caused by the execution cycle may exceed the set value, _generateXYsetpoints have not protection logic when pass waypoint,so delete. (#3637)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.87]
### Fixed
* Fix can not takeoff under obs is actived on second time start a mission. (#3636)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.86]
### Fixed
* Fix stuck in loter mode when fly in mission and enbale OBS. (#3635)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.85]
### Added
* CI and deployment with github actions (#3626)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.84]
### Changed
* _setSpeedAtTarget used when timeinside of mission is 0 and publish nextpoint,so this function should not work when force update nextpoint used to mission yaw align route in _target_acceptance_radius(#3633)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.83]
### Changed
* mission yaw align route in _target_acceptance_radius when MPC_YAW_MODE is 0.(#3631)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.82]
### Changed
* 1.After the mission reaches the first waypoint, align the aircraft angle with the route, and then take photo or change to next waypoint
1)Implement the function when time inside of fist waypoint is not 0; 2)Implement the function when time inside of fist waypoint is 0; 3)After the mission task is interrupted, the mission is continued. The problem that the aircraft angle cannot align with the flight path has been solved; 4)After the land or RTL interrupt is executed, the function is guaranteed to take effect when the mission continues
* 2.updata _yaw_setpoint used the route angle,and fix calculate error in _limitYawRate().
* 3.don't allow limit speed when MPC_OBS_AVOID is false(#3630)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.81]
### Changed
* fix orbit issue and redefine orbit logic,orbit:1.yaw control 2.alt control to the last point of the circular 4.orbit(#3622)
* led yellow when tap_esc_config failure for h920e
## [v1.9.0-1.7.80]
### Changed
* unicore default RTK timeout through param RTK_TIMEOUT setting(#3629)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.79]
### Changed
* update alt_ellipsoid of gps when eventall trigger (#3625)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.78]
### Changed
* unicore default RTK timeout set to 2(#3624)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.77]
### Changed
* gps time change utc time when unicore's eventall triger(#3611)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.76]
### Changed
* cancel gimbal and camera version query because the logic in order to support replace the camera when the aircraft run continuously(#3618)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.75]
### Changed
* add H520E into Jenkin and deploy job(#3617)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.74]
### Changed
* unicore default baudrate set to 460800(#3616)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.73]
### Changed
* h520e(configure between 6021_hexa_x and tap-v3) allow battery link check(#3614)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.72]
### Changed
* fix mission restart in three second when mission interrupt by rtl and land.At this time takeoff will be interrput because DP send mission mav : NAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_MODE and NAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONTROL(#3609)
* redefine judge conditions when interrupt land
* Allow change mode when outside the Geofence throw the mode slot.
## [v1.9.0-1.7.71]
### Changed
* Allow change mode when outside the Geofence.
## [v1.9.0-1.7.70]
### Changed
* Enable configurations for RTK and PPK.
## [v1.9.0-1.7.69]
### Changed
* tune esc abnormal detection rpm(#3603)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.68]
### Changed
* Remove handling of EVENTALL in unicore driver.
## [v1.9.0-1.7.67]
### Added
* Disarm when enter crash state.
* Add startup checking for all motor.
* Add motor rpm running checking.(Issue #3591).
* Add function getBrakeDistance() smooth the thrust output when mode changing.
## [v1.9.0-1.7.60]
### Changed
* When emergency battery 5%, not allow switch to Angle mode,then will keep Landing.
* Change log subversion number align with "git describe --always --tags"
## [v1.9.0-1.7.56]
### Changed
* Fix warning related to policy CMP0079
* Fix implicitly converting 'STRINGS' to 'STRING'
* Fix duplicated build rules of vehicle_constraints.msg
## [v1.9.0-1.7.55]
### Changed
* Update nuttx submodule to include the SDIO fixes.
## [v1.9.0-1.7.54]
### Added
* Add RTL acceptance radius for RTK for precise landing.
### Changed
* Disable zigbee binding for H520E.
* Disable OFDM Flip binding as no longer needed.
## [v1.9.0-1.7.53]
### Changed
*Fix takeoff altitude issue and survey altitude issue,We will use _checkAvoidanceProgress() function PX4 version 1.10 or higher.
## [v1.9.0-1.7.52]
### Changed
* Fine tune MPC parameter for optimise user experience, set the rise velocity limitation gradually.
## [v1.9.0-1.7.51]
### Changed
* Open MPC_OBS_AVOID params and add this parameter to TAPv2 and TAPv3(#3579)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.50]
### Changed
* Notify camera to exit survey mode when exit from Mission (#3575)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.49]
### Fixed
* Fix can not landing under turtle mode.
## [v1.9.0-1.7.48]
### Changed
* Remove ymavlink and replaced with mavlink v2.0 for Gimbal control (#3572)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.47]
### Changed
* Fixed missing input parameters
## [v1.9.0-1.7.46]
### Changed
* Optimized acceleration of vibration (#3568)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.45]
### Added
* Fixed no unicore gps message (#3567)
### Changed
* Renamed parameter GPS_FIXPOS_RTK to GPS_RTK (#3567)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.44]
### Added
* [PUBLIC] Allow yaw-input to interrupt landing phase (#3561) [H520-18] (EN:Touching yaw stick now also interrupts automatic landing) (DE
er Yaw-Stick unterbricht jetzt ebenfalls die automatische Landung)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.43]
### Added
* Upload generated parameter meta files to S3 destination (#3566) [H520-22]
## [v1.9.0-1.7.42]
### Fixed
* Open MPC_GEAR_AUTO params to whitelist (#3565)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.41]
### Added
* Script for generating the public changelogs (wip)
* Update this changelog with English strings for public changes
* Added German translation for public changes
## [v1.9.0-1.7.40]
### Added
* Deploy mobilicom builds to mobilicom cloudfront page (#3563)
### Fixed
* Prevent duplicate S3 uploads (#3563)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.39]
### Fixed
* [PUBLIC] fixed mission misbehavior caused by enabling the sonar-based obstacle avoidance (#3555) (EN:Improved flight behavior during missions when obstacle avoidance was active prior to mission start) (DE:Verbessertes Flugverhalten während Missionen wenn zuvor die Hinderniserkennung aktiv war, was zu Fehlern führen konnte)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.38]
### Fixed
* Remove land delay conditions via land gear switch
## [v1.9.0-1.7.37]
### Changed
* Enable automatic gear deployment (#3554)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.36]
### Fixed
* Fix the error is too large at some angles around the corner (#3558)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.35]
### Fixed
* Fix abnormal jitter during RTL startup (#3553)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.34]
### Changed
* Remove restriction from tether parameters (#3556)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.33]
### Added
* Detect lost tether when voltage drops below 17V and land automatically (#3555)
### Changed
* Thether activation voltage lowered to 18V (#3555)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.32]
### Fixed
* RC GPIO had wrong configuration (#3551)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.31]
### Changed
* Conditioned the publication of the landing gear position with the parameter MPC_BUMPERCAGE in order to block the rise of the landing gear when the bumpercage is attached (#3534) [ch6277]
### Added
* Added parameter MPC_BUMPERCAGE to the metafile mc_position_control_params.c
## [v1.9.0-1.7.30]
### Fixed
* [PUBLIC] Prevent starting missions over WiFi without RC connection (#3545) [ch5620] (EN
revent starting missions through DataPilot UI when only WiFi is connected, but RC is not) (DE:Start von Missionen mittels Software Schaltflächen nicht mehr möglich, wenn nur WiFi und keine RC Verbindung besteht)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.29]
### Fixed
* Ignore version requests based on target compoent (#3350)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.28]
### Fixed
* Fixed Changelog version numbering introduced by (#3529)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.27]
### Fixed
* Fixed jenkins S3 bucket names [ch6352]
## [v1.9.0-1.7.26]
### Changed
* Build AutoPilot on jenkins (#3540) [ch6352]
## [v1.9.0-1.7.25]
### Fixed
* Enable power circuit breaker for YUNEEC_TAP_V3 (#3548) [ch6286]
## [v1.9.0-1.7.24]
### Fixed
* [PUBLIC] Reduces time to automatically return to position mode after recovering from GPS loss (#3543) [ch6054] (EN:Reduce the delay when switching back to position mode after recovering from GPS loss) (DE
rohne wechselt schneller zurück zum POSITION Modus nachdem ein verlorenes GPS Signal wieder empfangen wird)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.23]
### Fixed
* Consistent parameter reset with SYS_AUTOCONFIG (#3544) [ch749]
## [v1.9.0-1.7.22]
### Fixed
* Replace FlightTasks external triplets with internal waypoints (#3542)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.21]
### Fixed
* [PUBLIC] Fixed autotakeoff always rising to at least 5m altitude (#3541) [ch6403] (EN:Autotakeoff minimum altitude is no longer 5m) (DE:Aufstieg während Autotakeoff ist nun nicht mehr mindestens 5m, sondern kann auch weniger sein)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.20]
### Fixed
* Let the langing-gears be controlled by navigator (#3533)
* Lock position when triplet is outdated / invalid (#3529)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.19]
### Added
* S3 deplpoyment add H520mk2 to develop bucket (#3536)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.18]
### Fixed
* S3 deployment path for developer CI bucket, where we accidentally changed the structure in 1.7.14
## [v1.9.0-1.7.17]
### Added
* Product versions (#3517) [ch5814]
## [v1.9.0-1.7.16]
### Fixed
* Fixed start two way mavlink instance (#3528) [ch6113]
## [v1.9.0-1.7.15]
### Fixed
* Fixed changelog
## [v1.9.0-1.7.14]
### Changed
* Changed CI deployment pattern to `root/board/label/flavour/base-branch/pr-branch/git-version` (#3522) (#3530)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.13]
### Added
* Mobilicom build target [ch3162]
## [v1.9.0-1.7.12]
### Fixed
* Battery: Once tether is detected, don't ever disable tethering flag (#3524) [ch4207]
## [v1.9.0-1.7.11]
### Fixed
* Open up parameter MPC_AUTO_MODE [ch5890]
## [v1.9.0-1.7.10]
### Changed
* Pass timestamp of mode-swtich requested message to FlightTasks (#3509) [ch5001]
## [v1.9.0-1.7.9]
### Changed
* Use yuneec-internal version of nuttx. This applies a hotfix for an FD memory leak (#3510)
## [v1.9.0-1.7.8]
### Fixed
* Manually control the landing gear in loiter mode (#3508) [ch4007]
## [v1.9.0-1.7.7]
### Fixed
* Make uploads to new S3 test-bucket public
## [v1.9.0-1.7.6]
### Changed
* Add yuneec specifiec limit maximum angle (#3495) [ch5381]
## [v1.9.0-1.7.5]
### Fixed
* Fixed 5-rotor-mode by reducing yaw-control while FTC is active (#3499) [ch5433]
## [v1.9.0-1.7.4]
### Changed
* Merged develop branch with CI changes and fixes
* Moved s3 deployment out of travis yaml into separate shell script (#3498) [ch5085]
## [v1.9.0-1.7.1]
* Trigger travis, because for some reason deploymend fails for tagged commits like 1.7.0
## [v1.9.0-1.7.0]
### Added
* Set GPS driver baudrate to 115200 when Fixposition RTK is enabled (#3365)
* Require RC sticks to be centered also when a takeoff vehicle_command is issued. For example using the GUI (#3372)
* Deploy encrypted firmware elf file to AWS for release debugging
* Added yuneec-specific Unicore GPS driver (#3424)
* Added "gps_event" message for camera-RTK synchronization (#3424)
* Added new message for image EXIF (#3428)
* Inform the pilot when manual_control_setpoint.data_source changes (#3461) [ch4547]
* [PUBLIC] Add parameters to control the automatic operation of the landing gear (#3462) (EN:New setting for controlling the automatic landing gear) (DE:Neue Einstellung für das automatische Landegestell)
* Logging of component versions (readded after v1.8.0-1.6.17 removed it)
* Add battery connection check over GPIO pin (#3463) [ch3597]
* Increase the proportional gain of the horizontal track position error (#3483)
* Added parameter for Yuneec product ID (#3477) [ch4994]
* Increase battery failure reason notification (#3490) [ch3597]
* Fixed RTL too aggressive during the second last section (#3482) [ch4016]
* Detect tethered power supply when voltage is above 19.5V (#3489) [ch4207]
* Send specific vehicle_command for Flexigraph payload (#3402)
* [PUBLIC] Support for Flexigraph payload release mechanism (#3402) (EN:Support for Flexigraph payload release mechanism) (DE:Unterstützung für Flexigraph Payload Abwurfsystem)
### Changed
* Re-ordered startup scripts into board specific files for tap-v1/2/3/4 (#3284)
* [PUBLIC] Don't require throttle to be centered, but only <= 50% for takeoff (#3389) (EN:Throttle stick no longer needs to be at 50% during arming, but can be between 0% and 50%) (DE:Gashebel muss während Arming nicht mehr exakt auf 50% sein, sondern kann zwischen 0% und 50% liegen)
* [PUBLIC] Force landing gear up above 10m when manual control(#3398) (EN:Landing gear automatically rises when a relative altitude of 10m has been reached after takeoff) (DE:Landegestell fährt automatisch hoch sobald eine Flughöhe von 10m erreicht wurde)
* Updated mavlink and gazebo to latest (#3430)
* Tighten the requirements for a reached mission waypoint (#3417)
* Delay next mission item after MAV_CMD_IMAGE_CAPTURE_START via MIS_DELAY_ITEM (#3417)
* Allow loiter mode to be interrupted by stick movement
* Tuned the PID gains for attitude and position controller for Typhoon H480 (#3437)
* Changed the priority of dual uplink and add new message for rc & slave rc (#3419)
* Increased takeoff-ramp-speed (#3440)
* Increase number of file descriptors in NuttX from 50 to 54 (#3438)
* New changes for our partner "episci"
* Allow disarm on crash (readded after v1.8.0-1.6.17 removed it)
* [PUBLIC] Commander string improvments (readded after v1.8.0-1.6.17 removed it) (EN:Improved readability of info and warning messages during flight) (DE:Verbesserte Verständlichkeit von Info-Meldungen und Warnungen)
### Fixed
* [PUBLIC] H520 HITL functional even without battery plugged in (#3164) (EN:Hardware-In-The-Loop now functional even without the battery plugged in) (DE:Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation mit H520 funktioniert jetzt auch ohne Batterie)
* Improved corner case handling when ESC firmware update fails (#2907)
* `free` command working again in nuttx shell. Have to mount `/proc` on startup. (#3302)
* [Regression] Fix unreliable RC binding on H520C (tap-v3) (#3304)
* ecl library updated to current upstream version to include alignment fixes (#3310)
* rc-stick tolerance to throttle stick (#3423)
* Acceleration for up/down direction for FlighttaskAutoline (#3423)
* Vehicle no longer rotates 180 during mission pause (#3432)
* Critical orbit failsafe improvement. Prevents drone from crashing when RC is lost during orbit (#3446) [ch3072]
* Set the minimum hover height parameter to -1 (#3454) [ch3997]
* Default landing-gear up in takeoff mode (#3455)
* Fix USB connection problem with QGC (#3467) [ch4811]
* [PUBLIC] Fix unnecessary delay when performing RTL right before the landing (#3443) [ch4014] (EN:Remove unnecessary delays during RTL maneuver) (DE:Unnötige Verzögerungen während RTL Manöver wurden entfernt)
## [v1.8.0-1.6.18]
### Changed
* Require RC sticks to be centered also when a takeoff vehicle_command is issued. For example using the GUI. (#3372)
### Changed
* Don't require throttle to be centered, but only <= 50% for takeoff (#3389)
* More detailed output for RC-center check and also less strict tolerance [ch3971]
* Allow unrestricted modification of parameter COM_ARM_STK_TOL [ch3971]
## [v1.8.0-1.6.17]
### Changed
* Revert: logging of component versions
* Revert: commander string improvments
* Revert: Feature/allow disarm on crash
## [v1.8.0-1.6.16]
### Changed
* Reverted: Orbit radius increased to 400m
* New changes for our partner "episci"
## [v1.8.0-1.6.15]
### Added
* Log camera and gimbal versions in flight log (#3346)
### Changed
* [PUBLIC] Improved manual disarming in the event of a crash (#3350) (DE:Manuelles Disarming verbessert im Falle eines Absturzes oder Umkippen der Drohne)
## [v1.8.0-1.6.14]
### Added
* Added custom build for our partner "3DR" (#3367)
## [v1.8.0-1.6.13]
### Changed
* Commander logging strings improved readability and consistency (#3315)
* Improved understandability of info and warning messages (#3315) (DE:Verbesserte Verständlichkeit von Info-Meldungen und Warnungen)
## [v1.8.0-1.6.12]
### Added
* Added custom build for our partner "episci" (#3343)
## [v1.8.0-1.6.11]
### Fixed
* [PUBLIC] Fixed issue on some drones where mag calibration would run a second time after first completion (#3337) (DE:Unter gewissen Bedingungen wurde die Kompass Kalibrierung nach Beendigung ein zweites mal gestartet)
## [v1.8.0-1.6.10]
### Fixed
* [PUBLIC] Fixed speech-output of stick warning message (#3334) (DE:Verbesserte Sprachausgabe wenn RC sticks nicht mittig stehen beim Arming)
## [v1.8.0-1.6.9]
### Fixed
* [PUBLIC] Prevent arming when not all sticks are centered (#3331) (DE:Arming nicht erlaubt wenn einer oder mehrere RC sticks nicht mittig stehen)
## [v1.8.0-1.6.8]
### Fixed
* [PUBLIC] Prevent drone from yawing during "Hover and Capture" segments in missions (#10828) (DE:Orientierung von Drohne bleibt Konstant in "Hover and Capture" Segmenten in Missionen)
## [v1.8.0-1.6.7]
### Fixed
* Allow unrestricted modification of parameter RCMAP_AUX (#3325)
### Added
* Parameter for AUX-button setting (#3325)
## [v1.8.0-1.6.6]
### Fixed
* [Regression] It was possible to arm the drone when the battery was less than 10% (#3212, #3214)
* "Wait for GPS or use indoor mode" mavlink message too long (#3296)
* Improved speech output of "Geofence violated" message (#3274)
* [PUBLIC] Reconnecting RC now cancels RC Loss Alarm (#3297) (DE:RC Verbindungsalarm wird deaktiviert wenn Verbindung wiederhergestellt wurde)
* [PUBLIC] Improved playback of RC Loss Alarm (#3297) (DE:Wiedergabe von RC Verbindungsalarm verbessert)
* Tunes are no longer interrupted by themselves when sent multiple times (#3297)
* [PUBLIC] Vehicle no longer rotates when mission is paused (#3307) (DE
rohne behält Rotation bei wenn Missionen pausiert werden)
* [PUBLIC] Vehicle no longer rotates when entering LOITER mode from mission (#3313) (DE
rohne behält Orientierung bei wenn vom Flugmodus MISSION zu LOITER gewechselt wird)
* Mission start and pause/continue through Aux-button (#3308)
* Update description for COM_RC_LOSS_PARAM (#3317)
* Position lock more conservative (#3319)
### Added
* [Regression] Restored the "factory calibration by shaking the vehicle" feature (#3306)
* Start/stop missions using the AUX button (#3308)
* Logging whether Firmware flashed was built using RESTRICTED_BUILD or not (#3318)
## [v1.8.0-1.6.5]
### Fixed
* Structure Scan pitch working with HOTFIX (reinterpret_cast) (#3208)
## [v1.8.0-1.6.4]
### Changed
* Increase return to ground control station safety distance from 3m to 5m (#3196)
### Fixed
* Force landing gear to keep the state during takeoff (#3197)
* Gimbal yaw problems in ROI (#3204)
* Prevent old ROI settings from interfering with follow-up missions (#3203)
## [v1.8.0-1.6.3]
### Changed
* Increased maximum allowed distance to 1st mission waypoint from 900m to 4000m (#3182)
### Fixed
* [Regression] Restored functionality of structure scan. Bug introduced with 1.6.1 (#3187)
## [v1.8.0-1.6.2]
### Fixed
* Landing gear rise when doing compass calibration, corner case when toggling the switch during calibration(#3045, #3157)
## [v1.8.0-1.6.1]
### Added
* RC loss alarm enabled for when RC is disconnected after flying, but the drone is still powered (#3126)
* Keep vehicle heading constant during ROI. This improves yaw-tracking in ROI. (#3153)
### Fixed
* Pauses at the end of a tune are now respected. Fixes low battery and error tunes. (#3159)
* [Regression] Hotfix landing gear not lowering in RTL to GCS because altitude 0 (#3162, #3110)
* Fixed eccentric camera pitching while ROI is active (#3166)
* Lower case messages for battery warnings etc, fixing weird pronunciation in DataPilot (#3171)
## [v1.8.0-1.6.0]
### Changed
* Changed minimum altitude for OBS. avoidance from 1.5m to 2.0m (#2675)
* New (less annoying) tune for low-battery warning (#3095)
* Only rotate gimbal to face towards ROI, not the entire drone (#3121)
### Fixed
* The drone wouldn't face straight forward when flying a survey after a ROI mission (#3121)
* Don't run motor-check in HITL (#3120, #3089)
* Camera now has correct orientation in structure scan (#2322)
* [Regression] Play low-battery warning tunes only once (#3073)
* [Regression] Wrong flight mode on bootup e.g. indoors (#2817, #3131)
* Gimbal-lock within acceptance radius (#3137)
### Added
* Added landing gear state to logger (#3111, #3117)
* Only allow takeoff without GPS in indoor mode (#2808, #3055)
## [v1.8.0-1.5.10]
### Fixed
* Setting COM_ARM_SWISBTN parameter to avoid problems with the arm button (#3085)
### Added
* Command motors to stop if they don't spin up correctly for safety (#3089)
## [v1.8.0-1.5.9]
### Fixed
* Brake at waypoint in mission if stop is required (#3076)
## [v1.8.0-1.5.8]
### Fixed
* Drone takes off when obstacle avoidance is activated after arming, even without throttle input (#3042)
* Drone won't disarm when landing with obstacle avoidance active (#3042)
* "Tuning" the gimbal feedforward scale for less offset in orbit (#3047)
* Prevent error tunes from being spammed while connecting to the drone (#3052)
* Slow landing detection problems (#3054)
## [v1.8.0-1.5.7]
### Changed
* Increased maximum distance between waypoints from 900m to 4000m (#2978)
### Fixed
* Vehicle gets stuck during mission (#2998)
* Regression fix: hickup when stopping in slowed down descend (#2997)
## [v1.8.0-1.5.6]
### Fixed
* Orbit commands exceeding maximum radius (#2968)
* Fixed altitude lock during mission (#2960)
* Regression: fix slow landing (#2959)
* Regression fix: in mission, lock position when position setpoint reached waypoint (#2951)
### Added
* Orbit telemetry for UI (#2906)
* vehicle_local_position_setpoint logging improvment (#2959)
## [v1.8.0-1.5.5]
### Fixed
* Parameter update within FlightTask (#2931)
* Keep landing gear up during mission (#2938)
* ST10C loiter button now fully interrupts safety RTL (#2964)
* Fixed tap_esc motor feedback ID mapping (#2958)
* Fixed correcting motor not spinning in FTC (#2958)
## [v1.8.0-1.5.4]
### Changed
* Set SYS_RELEASE parameter to 15 for release branch 1.5.0
### Fixed
* Startup tune chopped up when updating drone (#2923)
## [v1.8.0-1.5.3]
### Added
* Arming without propellers now still spins 5 out of 6 motors (#2463)
* More detailed logging of motor faults (#2463)
### Fixed
* Fixed scenario where H520 can perform full flips (#2701, #2645)
* Vehicle wobbles around yaw axis for big setpoint steps (#2896)
* Fixed Five-Rotor-Mode when more than one motor fails (#2463)
## [v1.8.0-1.5.2]
### Added
* Added parameter `RTL_CONE_DIST` to change size of the RTL cone (#2595, #2559)
* Resetting parameters when switching between releases (#2691, #2692)
## [v1.8.0-1.5.1]
### Added
* RTL to ground control station (#1879)
### Changed
* Lifting restriction on parameter `SYS_PARAM_VER`.
## [v1.8.0-1.5.0]
### Added
* ESC firmware version logging (#1786)
* ROI: New waypoint types for Region of Interest (missing in DataPilot) (#1819)
* Structure scan (#1819)
* Yaw stick deadzone and exponential curve (#1910)
### Changed
* Yaw P gain lowered from 6.0 to 3.5 because of upstream merge (#1872)
* Obstacle Avoidance Interface (#1827)
* Sonar-based obstacle avoidance increased trigger range and reliability (#1959)
### Fixed
* Compass calibration uses less memory, now also works after a flight (#1884)
* Connecting to drone after startup is now significantly faster (#2049)
* Multi-battery missions now resumable after low-battery emergency landing (#1999)
## v1.7.3-1.4.22
### Fixed
* Fix jMAVSim SITL on macOS (#2899)
* Fix SITL packager for macOS (#2899)
* ST10C loiter button now fully interrupts safety RTL (#2964)
## v1.7.3-1.4.21
### Fixed
* Porting Preflightcheck fixes form upstream (#2911)
## v1.7.3-1.4.20
### Changed
* Fix tortoise slider not working after vehicle configuration reset (#2894)
## v1.7.3-1.4.19
### Changed
* Always resetting COM_RC_LOSS_MAN to 1 on reboot (#2829)
### Fixed
* AP not removing old logs from SD card when it fills up (#2844)
* Brief slow-downs in survey missions (#2849)
* "yaw-to-north" fix (again) for gimbal version 2.39.9 (#2839)
## v1.7.3-1.4.18
### Fixed
* Fix yawing to North for LOITER-TIME mission items (#2805)
## v1.7.3-1.4.17
### Fixed
* HITL not connecting to the drone, fixed using a known NuttX patch (#2793, #2813)
## v1.7.3-1.4.16
### Fixed
* Parameter reset happining if one version number different (from #2726)
* Fix parameter acks for int parameters (#2762)
* Added deadzone for RC gimbal control (#2700, #2708)
## v1.7.3-1.4.15
### Fixed
* Landing gear goes up if drone tilted (#2737)
* ST10C RTL doesn't persist after 1st button push (#2738)
* Properly initialize gimbal attitude (#2730)
* Use absolute yaw angle mode for gimbal (#2730)
* Fix gimbal yaw angle during RTL and land (#2730)
* Fix USB connection regression (#2730)
## v1.7.3-1.4.14
### Added
* Time estimate for RTL (#2560, #2076)
* Added safety trigger based on RTL time estimate (#2563)
### Changed
* Removing logger in HITL, frees up memory (#2713, #2493)
## v1.7.3-1.4.13
### Added
* Resetting parameters when switching between releases (#2691)
## v1.7.3-1.4.12
### Fixed
* Team-Mode pitch- and yaw-mode set by slave (#2699)
## v1.7.3-1.4.11
### Changed
* Lifting restriction on parameter `COM_RC_LOSS_MAN` (#2602)
## v1.7.3-1.4.10
### Added
* Added ST10c support (#2506)
* Added parameter for adjusting RTL cone radius (#2592)
### Fixed
* Lifting restriction on parameter `SYS_PARAM_VER` (#2589, #2575, #2579)
* Too small minimal yawspeed with turtle mode (#2251, #2594)
## v1.7.3-1.4.9
### Fixed
* Sonar-based obstacle avoidance increased trigger range and reliability (#2456)
## v1.7.3-1.4.8
### Fixed
* Switched to mixed channel RC channel parsing for team mode slave
### Added
* Use left stick for slave pitch gimbal control in velocity mode