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Jul 16, 2019
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Is it hardware or software that makes the difference in flight distance? Anyone who knows.
Neither - it's firmware. The machinery is the same, but the power and therefore range of the transmitters is governed by what firmware that machinery is running.
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So you could in fact install FCC firmware on a CE and get better range? I only get 400m on my CE. ?
You could, but then you'd be flying illegally of course...
TBH you can't see a Q much past 400m anyway, so were you to fly outside that range you'd be breaking the law about Visual Line of Sight as well...
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I was more thinking of a more stable com out to 400 than now when it's a bit sketchy and suddenly turns back home.
You might be right, but I'd wait for the people who have Q's to confirm that. I'd hesitate to condone it myself I think - probably better to stay legal for the sake of 50 ft - I mean 1200 ft is quite a reasonable way out - I tend to rarely go past about half that, and I always make sure there is LoS between my controller and the craft, so I never get any dropouts. I guess if range is your big thing then DJI are probably the machines for you - their CE models will go a lot further than the mantis.
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Something wrong here, i am flying CE...being in the UK, and i get drop outs at around 400 ft distance..?

Are some posts making the mistake of listing meters to feet, 400 meters is around 1200 ft, my set up is in feet and best i can do is 400.
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