Well, now I get to wait a week to get a new 16 for a H that never left the Earth. The battery came dead as a door nail ! It would not charge, as it had zero voltage.
I quick charged it 94%, but when the 16 is off, and no charger plugged into it, I woke up to another dead battery. Also , after fully charging and in the 16 with it off and no charger cable attached, I could still see the battery icon charging away, also the voltage on the 16 has a icon of a charging battery that is on always, even when not charging, and even though my 16 is off and no screen on at all whatsoever, the screen it hot to the touch!
So Dragonflyerthom gave me a good idea!. Charge battery, leave it unconnected to the 16 and waited a couple hours and checked the voltage, the voltage held perfect and no drop off.
So something in the 16 is telling it to act as if it's charging, when it's not. Even in setting, "battery" with no charging is says"Charging AC"
***, does it ever end!
I quick charged it 94%, but when the 16 is off, and no charger plugged into it, I woke up to another dead battery. Also , after fully charging and in the 16 with it off and no charger cable attached, I could still see the battery icon charging away, also the voltage on the 16 has a icon of a charging battery that is on always, even when not charging, and even though my 16 is off and no screen on at all whatsoever, the screen it hot to the touch!
So Dragonflyerthom gave me a good idea!. Charge battery, leave it unconnected to the 16 and waited a couple hours and checked the voltage, the voltage held perfect and no drop off.
So something in the 16 is telling it to act as if it's charging, when it's not. Even in setting, "battery" with no charging is says"Charging AC"
***, does it ever end!
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