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Are you talking about the rubber isolators connecting the camera gimbal to the mount? You can thread a length of waxed string or dental floss through the mount hole and around the "lip" of the isolator then pull it through the hole. Takes a little practice but sure beats trying to pull it through with tweezers and less chance of damaging it.
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Reactions: Steve Carr
Are you talking about the rubber isolators connecting the camera gimbal to the mount? You can thread a length of waxed string or dental floss through the mount hole and around the "lip" of the isolator then pull it through the hole. Takes a little practice but sure beats trying to pull it through with tweezers and less chance of damaging it.
Are you talking about the rubber isolators connecting the camera gimbal to the mount? You can thread a length of waxed string or dental floss through the mount hole and around the "lip" of the isolator then pull it through the hole. Takes a little practice but sure beats trying to pull it through with tweezers and less chance of damaging it.

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