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May 2, 2016
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I am trying to get drone connected to GUI, I have downloaded GUI and followed all instructions, wont connect. My drone had a wire with a port available to me in the battery compartment, I did not have to disconnect receiver wire like shown in some videos. Not sure where to troubleshoot from here.
Q500 4K
A port available for connecting the gui ?? Hummmm.......
Try connecting to the receiver as described and see what you get.
You should connect if all is well.
Mine also has an available connector in the battery compartment, without having to disconnect anything in the compartment.
However, I did have to remove the short extension that was connected to the end of wire on USB dongle. Otherwise the connector won't match the available connector in the battery compartment of the Q500+.
If it does not fit in easily, be sure you have it oriented the proper way.
Guys, I'm new here and I'm sorry if I'm starting off on the wrong foot or in the wrong area but I'm having the same issue as DKW. I just purchased a Q500 4K...it has an available port but is not connecting to GUI. I've downloaded and installed the GUI, downloaded the VCP Driver for Windows and the 'setup executable' file. Extracted the 'setup executable' file and got a CDM21218_Setup.exe file, double clicked that and it installed. The GUI is just saying 'Disconnected. Trying port COM5'. I don't know what the VCP Driver is for, I unzip it and it contains 8 other files that I can't do anything with. Do they have to be dragged somewhere? I just spent an hour on the phone with a lady at Yuneec support and she probably thinks I'm just stupid because she just kept saying it was simple and I must be doing something wrong. I might be doing something wrong but her step by step instructions were poor at best. We got nowhere. What's going on?
Exactly the same problem here!. Plugin was right there in the battery box, and I too had to remove the the smaller adapter. All i get is disconnectred. Trying port 4. I have know doubt its my error, but we error until we learn. Desperately need a teacher! LOL
Guys, I'm new here and I'm sorry if I'm starting off on the wrong foot or in the wrong area but I'm having the same issue as DKW. I just purchased a Q500 4K...it has an available port but is not connecting to GUI. I've downloaded and installed the GUI, downloaded the VCP Driver for Windows and the 'setup executable' file. Extracted the 'setup executable' file and got a CDM21218_Setup.exe file, double clicked that and it installed. The GUI is just saying 'Disconnected. Trying port COM5'. I don't know what the VCP Driver is for, I unzip it and it contains 8 other files that I can't do anything with. Do they have to be dragged somewhere? I just spent an hour on the phone with a lady at Yuneec support and she probably thinks I'm just stupid because she just kept saying it was simple and I must be doing something wrong. I might be doing something wrong but her step by step instructions were poor at best. We got nowhere. What's going on?
I had same issues with my H. I read through other GUI posts and learned if you run Windows 10 (I do) this may be part of the hurdle. I deleted the GUI and prior firmware and 64Bit USB/SERIAL port emulator, then redownloaded using Chrome (some stated Firefox as well) not Explorer. Once extracted using Chrome the GUI now recognizes two Port com's. (Port Com 3&4 in my case). Once the GUI is reading your sensors it may still show a red dot on bottom left stating SERIAL PORT is open. Click top left EDIT bar menu and change to SERIAL. Now the bottom red dot should be blue. It took me a few hours but I did have success.
Ive switched to windows 7, and same problem. Im gonna try JRremote's suggestions about the browsers
Excellent! Now you can access and view all the systems. I tried running in Win 8 compatibility mode initially but the GUI still didn't recognize the port 3&4 I needed.

I have only started with my H last week so I'm hoping learn a lot from this forum.
And Im right behind you. It seemed to be shakey in GUI no green dot. Also, in device manager, It merely shows as a usb port under ports? No data populated, except GPS errors. The GUI said that this could be because the bird is to close to magnets and metal. Both were correct. It did tell me I had , I believe, 1.01 and the new firmware was 1.07? Im guessing. its not in front of me at the moment. It was 104 in central California today, its still 91 at 9:01
I should be more careful trying to contribute on this Q500 forum. I have a Typhoon H with St 16+ controller. The GUI interface into the St10 may look different than my st16 so my descriptions may cause more questions (or a brick) than benefits. I will put more thought into future posts on the H forum.

One revelation I learned from Yuneec support was to restart the controller and copter after updating the firmware to see the changes. Just like any other computer device.

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