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I heard through the grapevine...

May 23, 2016
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So I was at my LHS on Saturday just shooting the breeze with the owner. We were talking about the H and all of the pro's and short list of con's. One thing I mentioned to him was the obvious low amperage charge rate of the out of the box stock charger. He told me that the battery company, Venom is coming out with an adapter for the typhoon H battery. If you have ever purchased a Venom battery, you know that they are ALL about adaption connectors. Every Venom LiPo battery I have purchased comes with a bunch of different style adapters.

The owner of my LHS is very in tune with the "drone" movement and he has good ties with Venom and I do believe he is on to something. Of course this will be great for all of us that have 6+ amp chargers that could charge these batteries in half the time and of course discharge for storage. I guess we will see!
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So I was at my LHS on Saturday just shooting the breeze with the owner. We were talking about the H and all of the pro's and short list of con's. One thing I mentioned to him was the obvious low amperage charge rate of the out of the box stock charger. He told me that the battery company, Venom is coming out with an adapter for the typhoon H battery. If you have ever purchased a Venom battery, you know that they are ALL about adaption connectors. Every Venom LiPo battery I have purchased comes with a bunch of different style adapters.

The owner of my LHS is very in tune with the "drone" movement and he has good ties with Venom and I do believe he is on to something. Of course this will be great for all of us that have 6+ amp chargers that could charge these batteries in half the time and of course discharge for storage. I guess we will see!
Well this subject of a battery adapter has sort of become an obsession of mine over the last 12 weeks or so. I started hassling Yuneec on all their SM sites asking them to provide some sort of adapter to the Typhoon-H battery so users with advanced, powerful, and kickass chargers could actually use them with this battery. I was pretty much met with silence from them.

Then a couple weeks ago I exchanged a brief communication with Frank of Carolina Dronz (on his FB page) and was informed that he had a design ready and was currently testing the prototype. He made it sound like he was going to release his adapter any day now but I keep asking and he's just not answering. I'm sure he's so buried with his business he just doesn't have the time to dedicate with SM...fully understand that one.

So if you @YuneecFordTech have some info on the imminent release of an adapter PLEASE let us know ASAP! I have four batteries here that I have to charge one by one on this POS Yuneec charger and am running out of hair to pull out. Thank you. (BTW, what is LHS?)
John, agree with drone dreamer it must be local hobby shop. I have been in contact with Venom and here is what they had to say: (no mention made about an adapter)Screenshot_2016-06-07-17-27-55.png
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