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Interesting Reading, UAS Research Data

Well it seems pretty thorough! But I have to admit, after scrolling through page after of PDF docs, I was losing the will to live. And after all that, the conclusions was that more damage would be caused by a UAS impact than a bird strike! Indeed, I think I could've told them that without a gazilion-page study!

I don't know what the all the regulations are in the US. I'm thinking that they are pretty similar to the UK? I think as far as regulation goes, as long as UAS stick to below 400ft and manned aviation sticks to not below 500ft (except for take off and landing) then never the twain shall meet, so to speak. That's the whole idea of the 400ft altitude limit for drones, it (should) always maintain a 100ft gap of separation between UAS and manned aviation - in theory! Now I know there are UAS pilots out there that fly above 400ft. They probably know the rules and still break them and all the regulation in the world won't stop that. Flip the coin, and I have seen with my own eyes on many occasions, manned aircraft flying below 500ft, in some cases dangerously so. Same applies, those pilots know the rules and they break them anyway.
Works the same in any endeavor, and follows the 80% rule pretty close. 80% of the people will follow the rules while the remaining 20% cause problems for everyone.

Governments thrive on data. More is better than less, even if more provides little of importance. More data gives more people something to use to justify their jobs.

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