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My camera

May 19, 2016
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So after effing up my gimbal, sending it back for repairs, changing my mind and getting it returned to buy a new one.... I received it today and opened it up for a good inspection. I noticed that the ribbon cable to the board wasn't fully connected. I reconnected it and looked it over... see the pic attached. The ribbon has 4 little contacts that are damaged, burnt, too hard to tell but no browning, etc.
I put the gimbal back together and power it up... gimbal behaves perfectly and is controllable and fully functioning minus the camera and wifi. I assume the camera and wifi is those little connecters on the ribbon.

Anyone know if it is possible to get a replacement ribbon? I'd also like to test the camera itself on another "H".

Any takers? :) Any ideas?


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Best bet is call Yuneec. The flex joint in that ribbon is what I damaged, wiping out the wifi connection. Ended up ending sending it to a Yuneec repair center.
Well I'll be!
After taking it apart again a re setting the ribbons... I now have a near perfect working camera and gimbal... It's all working, video and all now. Only Issue I see now is that the gimbal looks to the left 45 degrees. Now I have a spare camera on the way that I should have in a few days!!!!
Well I'll be!
After taking it apart again a re setting the ribbons... I now have a near perfect working camera and gimbal... It's all working, video and all now. Only Issue I see now is that the gimbal looks to the left 45 degrees. Now I have a spare camera on the way that I should have in a few days!!!!

That is wild! Calibration?
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Reactions: Brent D
Oh my. I must be losing it.
I just realized that I put the rubber grommets/dampers on... but on wrong... 45 degrees. All good now!
Best part is, I can focus my lens! HAPPY CAMPER!
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WOW! News like that really makes me happy, Brent. I redid a camera mount and those raggety-butt rubber deals drove me batty to install.
You need small fingers, the patience of Job, the steadiness of a brain surgeon, and above all, to be lucky.

I wish I had a second camera. darn thing better work right, huh.:):)
Yes sir. THANKS! I'm about to do a flying test today... with some distance to look for problems.
Yuneec's Repair center quoted me $425 + and shipping US to replace the sensor, camera board, and lens..
when none of it was damaged.

The rubber balls are tricky to work with but patience.
Yep those damper are a bi__h, glad its working for you. That ribbon is plug and play so you did something right, lol.
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Just wait, if you move up to larger copters and gimbals that can handle a DSLR you could end up with a gimbal that has three dampers on each corner and 4-6 in the middle of the mounting plate. They can be fun to install since the installation of one can displace the set of the one next to it. Think the H is a pain?;)

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