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Needing some purchase advise

Oct 22, 2016
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I am a newbie here and I have been looking at this drone for some time now and I have found some great prices on Ebay, any thoughts to what I should watch out for or want to be in the package so to speak?
Your eBay seller likely will not honour returns for any reason, I'd suggest giving Yuneec CS a quick call to see if there will or will not honour warranties should you have any problems. Also get the seller to show you an actual photo from the camera and see that it is correctly focused. Read the threads here to see that some folk have have had poorly focused cameras, but Yuneec are very quick to replace these. It might be safer to buy from an authorised dealer or Yuneec direct depending on where you live.
- also keep an eye on the classifieds here Classifieds
Warranties come with new aircraft, not used. If a warranty is important to you the recent price reductions for the H could make purchasing from a dealer a very attractive option.

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Not advice, but something that happened to me of my own doing.

I wanted a Chroma 4K and went shopping around for a good price. I found a good deal at the time from a seller in Texas that seemed to have a bunch of new ones for some reason. I bought from him. With this seller, less than a month later the Chroma experienced a substantial price reduction. Basically dumping inventory but there was no way for me to go back and request a difference credit or refund. There was also no after sale support from the seller as there would have been with an established shop such as CarolinaDronz, Terrestrial Imaging, and others. It took very little time for me to decide I would have been better off had I spent just a few dollars more and purchased from an established shop.

There are some great price deals out there that on the surface look great. On the surface. I won't tell you what to do but if I was to do the Chroma buy over again it would be done differently.

Yuneec provides very good customer service and I'm glad I bought from an established dealer for that reason alone.

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Drone Mountain has the best prices and is a Yuneec certified repair center. Excellent customer service. With your free membership, you can save about $100 on a drone, like the H. Right now, of course, the H is already on sale at a huge discount.


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I am a newbie here and I have been looking at this drone for some time now and I have found some great prices on Ebay, any thoughts to what I should watch out for or want to be in the package so to speak?

Wide open question. Have you posted this same question on other forums?

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