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New Cgo3+ fisheye?

May 23, 2016
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Hi guys, I just got a new Cgo3+ cause the old one had problems connecting. Just look at the picture from the new one! I just renamed the file from .jpg to .zip. Does this picture look normal? Or is that what is called fisheye?


Why would you want to change the extension to a zip file? You can upload .jpg to the forum.
I get this error when I try to upload it as .jpg
The following error occurred
The uploaded file was not an image as expected.

Looking at the picture you uploaded I would say its was just the camera angle you had it at. When the cameras are pointing down they tend to have a tad of fish eye.
Yea. The distortion of these cameras is largely in the corners. If your horizon line is in one of the corners you're going to me made much more aware of the distortion.
Picture.jpg I hear what you are saying but if I compare it to this picture that is a shot from a video from my first cgo3+, there is a big difference.
Do you happen to remember the settings on the camera for the one that looks fish eyed? Depending on if your in video or if your in picture mode will give you different profiles of a picture. Not saying that is it and it still might be you new camera doing that but I would try a few different settings for you pictures and see if you can come up with the same result.
Ok...i have a question. Why does my pictures look more square than this.View attachment 3224

Bill W.
In picture mode you use the full sensor so image is kind of the shape of an older TV set before the wide aspect ratio came along (this is the true shape of the sensor in the CGO3+). When in video mode the image is set to wide aspect ratio.
I have checked all the settings but I don't think this has anything to do with them. It is also strange that I can't upload any pictures to this site from the new camera but I can from the old one!?!? I really hate to say it but I am getting really fed up with this and Yuneec. I got the H in May and it has been sent to Yuneec two times for repairs. First time it took the 4 weeks and the last time 6 weeks!!
Nope thats not normal. You have a problem with that camera thats for sure.
And for your uploads I had to open your first picture up in FastStone Image Viewer and save it again over writing the original before the site would allow it to upload. Not sure why thats happening either.

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