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New from AZ

Aug 15, 2016
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Hello all, Im new as this tread implies, i also have been on another site and posted a question about flight times of which no one has replied. more than likely my fault because the site seams difficult to navigate.
that being said Plus one to this one for its setup, seams much easier to navigate. thats saying a lot for an old guy who is not computer literate. I hope to learn as much as possible.

If its ok id like to post an issue that maybe has been addressed but hopefully someone can give me some insight on. I purchased my Q500+ three years ago, I've only had maybe 25 flights on it due to some pretty bad health issues. I used to fly 3D helicopters so I'm kind of up to date on the proper use and storage of batteries. Yuneec now has my Drone in service for the third time in as many years, first was an over heating motor, (covered under warrantee) with exception of very expensive shipping. second drone just fell out of sky upon take off. that one cost because they said they did not see any connection issues again very costly plus shipping. this last time is because of extremely short fight times, I'm talking 2-3 min then drone landing itself.
calm weather etc.
history: Batteries read (cel. 1 @ 3.7, cel. 2 @ 3.6, cel. 3 @ 3.7 these reading are at landing using both the charger and a small battery checker.
I calibrate preflight
Discharge batteries to spec. & store in climate control area
I use an after market balancing charger /discharger (Ultra Power UP120AC Duo multi Charger, built in power supply)
I only started having these issues after the last repair of the drone when Yuneec replaced the body.
question is, Is anyone else experiencing these unusually short fight times, and what should I expect as to reasonable flight times?

Hope this was not TMI and ok to post this question here. Thanks, Frodoe
Hi Frodoe,
I'm also fairly new and in Arizona. I have the Typhoon G model which I think is about the same as yours. I get about 17 minutes on a full battery charge. That's not flying very far or very fast
Hi Frodoe,
I'm also fairly new and in Arizona. I have the Typhoon G model which I think is about the same as yours. I get about 17 minutes on a full battery charge. That's not flying very far or very fast
Is that while filming?
Yes that is while filming. But I have the "G" model which is the GoPro camera. The GoPro has its own camera battery maybe that helps?? I'm not sure. Where in AZ are you located? I'm in Gilbert.
Also with those numbers left in my battery I would think I would have had more flight time left.
Longest flight I had while filming was prior to Yuneec repairing the motor that was overheating, I flew for fifteen minutes while filming a firework display, when drone landed itself it corrupted the file and I lost the entire film along with the finale.
it corrupted the file and I lost the entire film along with the finale.

Worrying. I presume you did stop the recording before switching off.
Problem was it landed itself and didn't accept any of my responses. As a matter of fact when it was landing itself I was trying to move it from a wall in my drive, it would not accept any of my attempts to correct, it was inches from the wall. I knew about having to stop the recording, however I guess when I was getting the warning it blocked everything else, freaked me out at the time.
I was a 3D helicopter pilot and it made me butt pucker like those days of flying.
I was seeing over a grand possibly going to woof!

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