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Pan /Tilt Wont work (deep thought troubleshooting help)

May 20, 2017
Reaction score
San Antonio
Hello fellow dronies,
Lets think of this as a thought exercise. have been on a quest, and I am at a serious frustration/Impass. I have rebuilt my H after a bad fly away crash, and everything works now but no Pan and Tilt. Camera connects with no issues but Pan and tilt has worked randomly only 2 times since rebuild over the course of maybe 7 flights.'

I have checked all the suggestions/solutions in the forum. Assume the following to be true.
-Update /rebind ST16 and the H and cleared the data files (3 times now)
-Checked all wiring, and connection point from mainboarde to input on camera point continuity is good. 100% sure no issues in hardwiring or 6 contactors on slide rails.
- Tested another CGO3+ on my H (did not work) and know that the problem is most likely not the camera Thanks @ Buddy Collins for letting me try his camera on my bird. And thanks @
Bob520 for helping me get my landing gear sorted out.

So I am assuming the issue at this point is either a problem with the mainboard I replaced (Which was new), or a connection issue due to software.

What should I try now?
I am inclined to try to revert to an old firmware and see if that might be an issue somehow? I am stumped at this point, sending out to a repair is not an option from a budget perspective.
Why downgrade firmware when the current firmware works perfectly? Since nothing is wrong with the current version what would make an older version suddenly wake up the control function?

Sounds more like a hardware problem.
Firmware juggling will do nothing.
Looks like you narrowed down the problem to the connection between the bottom plate and the mainboard, since you said a working camera doesn't when it's mounted on your bird. Focus your efforts there.
Also, I assume your ST16 is calibrated properly, in that the pan and tilt controls show proper motion on the hardware monitor?
Firmware juggling will do nothing.
Looks like you narrowed down the problem to the connection between the bottom plate and the mainboard, since you said a working camera doesn't when it's mounted on your bird. Focus your efforts there.
Also, I assume your ST16 is calibrated properly, in that the pan and tilt controls show proper motion on the hardware monitor?
Yes, hardware monitor shows movement on all functions. I have tested continuity through the plates with it connected at the actual camera the (multi colored side port) and at the main board connection, there is continuity and all contacts go to the appropriate wire groupings. I know for fact it is not a connection issue, unless it is in the camera itself, which is unlikey as it worked initially and nothing would have changed that. I should add the pan tilt worked when I tried to repair the original gimbal wiring, but the wires were to short and when I tried to put it together they broke off at the little metal gimbal rotor pass through. I replaced this wiring from the connector board to the camera as per this video. I have double checked my wiring and made sure each wire goes where it is supposed to.
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Firmware juggling will do nothing.
Looks like you narrowed down the problem to the connection between the bottom plate and the mainboard, since you said a working camera doesn't when it's mounted on your bird. Focus your efforts there.
Also, I assume your ST16 is calibrated properly, in that the pan and tilt controls show proper motion on the hardware monitor?
Firmware juggling will do nothing.
Looks like you narrowed down the problem to the connection between the bottom plate and the mainboard, since you said a working camera doesn't when it's mounted on your bird. Focus your efforts there.
Also, I assume your ST16 is calibrated properly, in that the pan and tilt controls show proper motion on the hardware monitor?
Actually a working camera did not work on my h... As I mentioned, I tested continuity with the camera mounted so I know it isn't wiring or a connecion plate issue. I am actually hoping to completely reset the drone and start from scratch. I am about 80% sure it is a software issue or a mainboard issue. As it is a new main board I want to be sure to eliminate the software side.

Actually a working camera did not work on my h... As I mentioned, I tested continuity with the camera mounted so I know it isn't wiring or a connecion plate issue. I am actually hoping to completely reset the drone and start from scratch. I am about 80% sure it is a software issue or a mainboard issue. As it is a new main board I want to be sure to eliminate the software side.
That said I am obviously willing to try anything at this point that I haven't already tried.

Actually a working camera did not work on my h... As I mentioned, I tested continuity with the camera mounted so I know it isn't wiring or a connecion plate issue. I am actually hoping to completely reset the drone and start from scratch. I am about 80% sure it is a software issue or a mainboard issue. As it is a new main board I want to be sure to eliminate the software side.
Right. As I wrote, a working camera doesn't when connected to your H. As in doesn't work.
So that tells you the problem is on the aircraft, not on the camera. So that tells you where to focus your troubleshooting efforts... between the bottom surface of the gold plated contacts on the aircraft for the camera and wherever they connect to the mainboard. If those are fine and have no problems, then evidently something in the electronics on the mainboard is not working.
A trip to Yuneec might be worth a shot then.
To be perfectly frank, and I am sorry, so sorry to say this outloud, but working with yuneec CS has been an absolutly terrible experience, between wait times of 2 hours, not calling back or having the call back option, and not answering emails for over 3 weeks, I've had it with Yuneec. This was a super minor accident ( barely clipped a 1/8" branch and broke a prop) that resulted in a fly away after she hit the ground. She hit hard, but not that hard, toilet bowled from 14" up. Would not shut down engines. I can only assume that she disconnected from the st16 and went into RTL but since she only had 1 prop, she took off at an angle and really crashed hard and got stuck in a tree. Recovery process hurt her even more. Yuneec could only show contact with the tree nothing after the landing, said it wouldnt be covered. So will not go back to yuneec. Might try Carolina Drones if I really have to go that route. and before anyone makes a snide comment, I have been flying multis since around 2011. I know how to fly, and I know how to build. Never had a disconnect or fly away using DJI Naza controllers, or APM 1 and APM 2 controllers with turnigy Rxs and Txs. This bird has some issues. But I digress.

Oddly enough, I just started my H after trying Buddy's camera this weekend. Not only wont the camera bind now, but the drone isnt binding any more either. Going to reset st 16 and see what happens. Don't have much of a choice now. Anyone tried using an older version software on the camera mounted to a newer version firmware H? What happened?
I hope this does not come off as a snide comment, as it isn't intended. You know how to fly, and proved it by hitting a tree branch, then the aircraft went crazy afterwards and crashed, but it's the aircraft and Yuneec that has issues, and if this were some other product, it would have handled it just fine.
I wish you the best in resolving the problem.
I hope this does not come off as a snide comment, as it isn't intended. You know how to fly, and proved it by hitting a tree branch, then the aircraft went crazy afterwards and crashed, but it's the aircraft and Yuneec that has issues, and if this were some other product, it would have handled it just fine.
I wish you the best in resolving the problem.
Ouch... No not snide at all :) Why is it the most snide comments always come after the phrase I hope I don't sound snide?"

I am guessing you are a developer or are tight with Yuneec somehow? I didn;t mean to whiz in your cornflakes by knocking Yuneec CS. I have read a few of your posts and you seem to be extremely knowledgeable on Yuneec products. I am not the expert that you are KD.... I have never had a fly away on any of the birds I have built over the years, and I had REAL CRASHES with a few of those. I readily admit I got cocky with a new drone and clipped a branch. The toilet and hard landing at most should have resulted in a broken gear at most.

I am reminded of the Ford Pinto, you are old enough to remember Ford Pintos. Hey its not our fault the tank caught fire, after all you were rear ended by another car going only 15 MPH....
I don't really care if you believe me, I have no skin in the game with you. Simple fact is, it was less of a crash than a hard landing, I assume the hard bump disconnected or jarred the PDb or FC and in the process she went into RTL Mode, and since she was missing a prop, could not properly RTL. Ergo the "fly Away". Still does not explain the disconnect.

I will say this, at risk of sounding snide myself... Yuneec CS took 3 weeks to respond to my email, and I sat on hold every time morning or night for a minimum of 2 hours. And no not all companies do this, if that is the benchmark companies go for, we ruly live in a terrible day and age... I really wish I had bought my H from Carolina Drones, not Yuneec. I call them, and they answer, put me through to a tech or the owner in 2 minutes or less, and I did not even buy the drone from them.

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Ok so I have eliminated almost every possibility, for giggles I reset the controller and reloaded rebound re-calibrated everything. This is definitely either a problem with the Mainboard or deep within the camera. As both are high ticket items, I am wondering if there is a way to test the Mtx/pwm out and the MRx out pins/leads coming off the main board.? I clearly have power coming off Ground and Vbat as I have power to the camera and it connects just fine. I may have access to an o scope this coming weekend. Just not sure what the process would be on reading the signal, as I have no working drone to compare signals too. Any thoughts on how to test the Mainboard Mtx Pwm and MRx out puts off the camera connection from the mainboard?
No - I actually don't have a dog or pony in the show at all with Yuneec.
And I would agree that Yuneec may be rather slow to respond sometimes. And if you email them, they don't respond at all, unless they request for you to email a specific person. That has been my experience, as I'm going on 3 weeks now just to get the status tri-color LED from them that was faulty from brand new (blue element intermittent). I was finally able to contact a human via phone after a moderate wait, and the part should be on it's way to me as I write this, but even that has been over a week since they approved and shipped it.
That being said, after reading the horror stories from people for that other company when it comes to customer service, I'd say that Yuneec has some of the best customer service we could hope for. I imagine some of it is just the growing pains where they didn't have the foresight to increase staffing for customer service with the explosion of popularity with this product.
The Pinto. Yeah. Ugh. Not only do I remember it, and the fuel tank issues, but I had one for a little while when I was young and adventurous. It was the only Ford I've ever owned. :)
As far as testing the data lines to and from the camera, about all one can do is verify there is a pulse train there - yes... with an o'scope. As far as if it is right or not, without the protocol specifications from Yuneec, I don't know what we could do. I wonder if it's the USB signal protocol, or if it's a simple serial protocol that's unique to... er... Yuneec?
No - I actually don't have a dog or pony in the show at all with Yuneec.
And I would agree that Yuneec may be rather slow to respond sometimes. And if you email them, they don't respond at all, unless they request for you to email a specific person. That has been my experience, as I'm going on 3 weeks now just to get the status tri-color LED from them that was faulty from brand new (blue element intermittent). I was finally able to contact a human via phone after a moderate wait, and the part should be on it's way to me as I write this, but even that has been over a week since they approved and shipped it.
That being said, after reading the horror stories from people for that other company when it comes to customer service, I'd say that Yuneec has some of the best customer service we could hope for. I imagine some of it is just the growing pains where they didn't have the foresight to increase staffing for customer service with the explosion of popularity with this product.
The Pinto. Yeah. Ugh. Not only do I remember it, and the fuel tank issues, but I had one for a little while when I was young and adventurous. It was the only Ford I've ever owned. :)
As far as testing the data lines to and from the camera, about all one can do is verify there is a pulse train there - yes... with an o'scope. As far as if it is right or not, without the protocol specifications from Yuneec, I don't know what we could do. I wonder if it's the USB signal protocol, or if it's a simple serial protocol that's unique to... er... Yuneec?
Yeah that is my problem, I am a "compare and contrast" builder, I have to look at a functioning system to compare it to my own. I am betting not many people here have ever gone that in depth to help compare notes...
Well, when I bench the H to replace the LED, I'll gladly probe a couple of points if it helps. Do you have a pinout of what's what on the camera mounting plate?
Sounds good. I'm going to be benching this for the LED replacement here in the next couple of hours or so.
I was able to easily determine the pinout, as it is silk-screened on the board, both on the camera side and the connector side.
What I see is a simple 3.3V data stream, most likely RS232, on both the mRX and mTX lines. mRX comes from the camera, and mTX comes from the H. I'm guessing that the protocol is likely a derivative of or the exact protocol of one of the many PTZ protocols out there.
So, you should see data pulses on both leads. What I cannot tell you is whether the camera talks without receiving data from the H, but the H does constantly talk without the camera connected.
Perhaps using this program, a computer with a real RS232 port (I wouldn't trust a USB-to-RS232 adaptor), a power supply to the camera, and a level converter would be useful for troubleshooting.
PTZ Camera Protocol Supported by PTZ Controller | BLOG
Oh, and now I have a fully functioning status LED; something that was bad out-of-the-box. Yuneec customer service was very helpful, and I didn't have to send the aircraft back to them for this to be resolved.
OK, Yall ready for the Twilight zone? I had a motor not arm tonight, did not notice and tried to take off, flipped her and chipped a few props. I took the case off and could not find any loose connections. When I got the new Distribution mainboard, I used the original FC. So I thought for spit and giggles I would change out the FC board for the 2 seconds it took. And I will be damned, PAN AND TILT WORK NOW! WTF??? And the motor that would not arm works now! So I am thinking the FC baord was bad from the get go, and it would explain the disconnect fly away when she bumped hard too....

Can you use a different FC on the mainboard, or are they linked somehow at the factory? I am so happy right now....

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