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Propeller with or without O-Rings?

Dec 6, 2015
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Mesa, Arizona
OK – I don’t understand the Logic of a rubber washer, I have the O-Rings installed under my Propellers and I now have had a 3rd Prop fly-off. Once more the prop flue off when I was landing, just inches from the Ground. No damage to the Bird the Prop or me! I use my Drone to fly roofs from my Home Inspection business, bought the Q-5004k for two reasons; Photos or Video at the push of a button in flight and this aircraft is so quite, my Phantom II sounds like an oversized weed wackier people come out of the wood work to see what the noise is all about when I’m flying! I bought my Q-500 last November and have only used her for one Inspection; she went up about two feet and flipped! I places my Phantom II up for sale the night before the crash and but I pulled the ad the next day! I’m still flying my Phantom II almost daily (sometimes twice a day). I am to the point where I’m afraid to take the chance on my Q-500 4k crashing into a neighboring home or injuring someone, I’m going to go out in the Desert and fly my Q-500 in a large open space,but until I fully understand why I’ve had 3 Props fly-off, the Q-500 will not be used in Public.

I’m wondering if maybe it’s the O-Rings or if it’s a bad Motor shaft – I’m confused on this whole thing!

General Question: to fellow Q-500 users: Who is using the O-Rings under the Props and who isn’t? Is Props flying off common or a Fluke?
Hi Nick, I bought mine a month after you, and just used the stock blades for maybe a dozen flights then switched to the aero-naut c/f props which do not seat to the O-rings. At first that was a concern for me. I always use the (nut cracker) wrench to tighten and never had a prop fly off. Hope this helps.
Hi Nick, I bought mine a month after you, and just used the stock blades for maybe a dozen flights then switched to the aero-naut c/f props which do not seat to the O-rings. At first that was a concern for me. I always use the (nut cracker) wrench to tighten and never had a prop fly off. Hope this helps.
Nut Cracker - LOL Maybe I'll check out the "aero-naut c/f" props Thanks
BUT - any Idea why Yuneec sends a O-ring with the Props?
Nick, A few things about the c/f's. There is a video on you tube, a guy tests the against the stock prop"s. the results are, they are about 5db quieter, keep the motors cooler, and you get a quicker response on the q500. The down side is since they are stronger, they would do more damage to whatever they hit, cars ,people ,ect...
Yes, and the aero-naut do not sit down to the O- rings. That is why you must use the wrench.
OK – I don’t understand the Logic of a rubber washer, I have the O-Rings installed under my Propellers and I now have had a 3rd Prop fly-off. Once more the prop flue off when I was landing, just inches from the Ground. No damage to the Bird the Prop or me! I use my Drone to fly roofs from my Home Inspection business, bought the Q-5004k for two reasons; Photos or Video at the push of a button in flight and this aircraft is so quite, my Phantom II sounds like an oversized weed wackier people come out of the wood work to see what the noise is all about when I’m flying! I bought my Q-500 last November and have only used her for one Inspection; she went up about two feet and flipped! I places my Phantom II up for sale the night before the crash and but I pulled the ad the next day! I’m still flying my Phantom II almost daily (sometimes twice a day). I am to the point where I’m afraid to take the chance on my Q-500 4k crashing into a neighboring home or injuring someone, I’m going to go out in the Desert and fly my Q-500 in a large open space,but until I fully understand why I’ve had 3 Props fly-off, the Q-500 will not be used in Public.

I’m wondering if maybe it’s the O-Rings or if it’s a bad Motor shaft – I’m confused on this whole thing!

General Question: to fellow Q-500 users: Who is using the O-Rings under the Props and who isn’t? Is Props flying off common or a Fluke?
Nick, I use the o-rings( they were on the shafts when I took it out of the box) and have about 50 flights under my belt. Haven't had any props come off yet....touch wood!
I've been using the stock props using the o-rings without using the nutcracker and have never had a prop fall off. Is it the same prop every time or are they randomly falling off? Any chance some lube or grease got on the o-rings? There may be a problem with speed controllers stopping the motors too quickly.
Original o ring change out by Yuneec when they worked on it so different O Rings. I've been using the nut cracker to tighten the props, most everyone has said hand tighten. I think it is the left front each time, I bought white props an the 3rd time it was a non Yuneec supplied item. I'm baffled
that is what happens when your motors ( and props ) are spinning at a high RPM and you move your throttle down ( stick down ) fast to a slow idle , it has a breaking effect and even though they are self tighten props they will unscrew them selves , in your case maybe the one motor has a slightly smaller thread and like you believe it happens to the one motor . if you don't want to change the motor you can use blue lock-tight ( blue is not permanent red is ), i would not use lock-tight i would use a small piece of sewing thread wrapped around the screw thread's to take up the space . if it's under warranty call Yuneec CS and explain you problem to them .
fly safe
While the o'ring does not serve as a lock washer it does serve as a friction washer, and does the job quite well. I have hours on the original props and o'rings. Thought I would have to replace one or the other by now. Tighten 1/2 to 3/4 turn after contact. It's obvious something is not right about your setup. Could be a motor locking up, small threads, speed control malfunction, motor out of balance................something.
Yours flipping suggests something major wrong. I've tried to get mine to flip, can't, even taking advantage of a heavy wind, too stable.
Hi Az Nick, I noted your comments and everyone here and found it interesting to the point where I started to look at my own situation, I have never had a prop
fly off. I also have a set of Aero-Naut props which I think are great and only ever hand tight them that way I get a better feel for how tight they are on.
But I did some checking and found the following interesting which may help you.
I have about 50 hours on my Yuneec 4k and the O rings are original and found that the top of them had flattened and was smooth due all the screwing down
on them so I took them off and measured them and they have become thinner and where also dry so I replaced them with the new ones in the box and the props
seat much tighter as per original and new.
Something else I found is that the Aero-Naut prop does not touch the rubber O ring when screwed down I compared with and without O ring and that's what I found
but the Yuneec props screw onto the (and seat) O Rings.
You do a lot of jobs (flying, props on and off) in any one day so maybe the O rings need to be looked at and may be a reason why they are coming off, or one particularly anyway.
I will be interested as to what you find after a close look at them.
Cheers, JV
Are you turning 1/2 to 3/4 turn after they are snug? Sounds like you are not tightening down enough. The orings create resistance to prevent what is happening to you.
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This has to be user error. I have 35 flights with the q500 under my belt and the props have never loosened. I crank them down with the wrench thing before, after, when I land to change batteries. Stock props, original o-rings. I do NOT make abrupt movements with the quad, because that would look terrible on video. Rather, I slowly stop, slowly ascend, slowly yaw, etc. I understand that people have had props fly off when they were getting ready to land, but who knows what type of flying was done prior. There has to be a commonality somewhere.

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