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Selling my Beautiful Q500 4k and much MORE !, OPORTUNITY !!


Jul 21, 2016
Reaction score
I did an upgrade, only reason why im selling, did only around 20 flights.

**Moded CGO3 Antenna ( For extreme distance) Solid Video around 3200 Feet !
**Moded ST10+ With Itelite Antenna ( Amazing Performance) Around 6500 Feet !
**Brand new Battery (last one i bought ) Charged 10 times with 10x10 method , in storage mode ATM. ( Solid **20 Minuts, including recording with a max wind of 14mph.
**Simulator for the PC , learn to fly it with no risk and without GPS(to achive more speed! )
**Wizard (brand new) never used )
**Original Aluminium Case ( low cosmetic details ) looks perfect !
**Custom Carbon Fiber button on ST10+
**Charging Hub, to be able to charge up to 4 Batterys at same time !
**Charging station Ultra Power 120 AC ( charge, fast charge, balance, discharge, storage modes ) Excelent Charger)
**Original Box (Q500 4k) and all the accesories, including the charger, battery, etc.
**Polaroid Pro Lens (x3) Get the best of your CGO3, super clear videos and photos)
**Battery Charger for Car
**Adapter Printed in 3D
to extend your Itelite Antenna if you want to move or use a Tablet .
**Adapter Printed in 3D to install a Tablet on your ST10+
**2 Sets of Propellers perfectly balanced with a Du-Bro Balancer
**16GB SD minicard.
**Carbon Fiber protection for CGO3 & Gimbal.

Money Spent in all Extras :
Moded CGO3 $60
Antenna for ST10+ $120
Simulator $ 40
Wizard $150
Charging Hub $15
Charging Station $200
Polaroid Pro Lens $60
3D Printed adapter for Tablet and Antenna $ 40
Carbon Fiber Protection for CGO3 & Gimbal $ 20

TOTAL = $705 !!! + Drone 900, I Spent $1605 USD

SELLING EVRYTHING FOR $ 1200 (Includes Shipping worth 150USD , DHL Express)

Box.jpg Accesories.jpg Charger and Hub.jpg Control.jpg Drone Accesories Case.jpg Gymbal mod.jpg Gymbal Protector.jpg Wizard.jpg
Now they sell it for 499 Can for everything. Drone, ground station, battery. Charger 2 set of prop I think $150 is à fair price for both for the cam and gimble. Or I havé two If you want exchange cause I change à few Time the board of the gimble and lost the color conections schéma and I want to use my 2 gopro for 3D
Bernard (514) 238-0309
Now they sell it for 499 Can for everything. Drone, ground station, battery. Charger 2 set of prop I think $150 is à fair price for both for the cam and gimble. Or I havé two If you want exchange cause I change à few Time the board of the gimble and lost the color conections schéma and I want to use my 2 gopro for 3D
Bernard (514) 238-0309

Thanks but you cant even buy a wizard with amount of money, Ill pass, go buy it all for that money 499, in fact if you send me the link ill buy 1 too , ill make bussines with that price here where i am .

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