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Slight battery bulging

Jun 8, 2016
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What are some early warning signs that a battery might be going bad?
I currently have 4 batteries.
The original battery that came with my bird seems to have a slight (very slight, but is enough to notice when you feel across the top flat portion and compare to my newer batteries) amount of bulging.
I have only flown with it maybe 10 times and I have only had the copter for about 3 months.
I also try to follow the charging guidelines very closely.
This may be normal for these batteries, but I would hate to ignore an early warning sign and find out when my bird falls from the air.
I've flown some of my other drones with slightly bulging packs before. Not like "swollen" but a teeny bit puffy and had no issues with regard to flight times or sudden loss of power. I'd watch the numbers for each cell after use, before charging, and at full charge. There did not seem to be any cell performing out of spec... They stayed this way for quite some time and didn't have any issues..

BTW, I not telling you they are okay and go fly. Just relaying my experience and that as long as mine aren't swelling any more, cell numbers looks good, and I'm not noticing any odd behavior I'll use mine....
I've flown some of my other drones with slightly bulging packs before. Not like "swollen" but a teeny bit puffy and had no issues with regard to flight times or sudden loss of power. I'd watch the numbers for each cell after use, before charging, and at full charge. There did not seem to be any cell performing out of spec...
Ive done the same on my fixed wing aircraft with no priblems...but yes be cautious.

Bill W.

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