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Soon to be a H owner

May 10, 2017
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Ok as a Q500+ owner I am looking at buying the H more so for the collision avodience as think it's cool plus what you can do with the st16 compared to what you can't do on the ST10+ now what am concerned about is will they be not keeping it up-to-date with new software/firmware and not forget about it like they seem to have done with the Q500 so what's your thoughts on this all advice will be appreciated guys and will be buying again from drones direct as can't fault them from buying my Q5 from them

Hi Thomas111 and if you are thinking of buying a H, my advice is go for it! But remember the best collision avoidance is Angle mode and your eyes. In other modes like Follow Me, the navigation and avoidance of the Real Sense is very cool!
Knowing what Yuneec will do in the future is crystal ball gazing stuff. However at the moment it looks like the H480 will remain their top consumer model with the H520 aimed at commercial interests. If so then I would expect them to keep improving the package as time goes by. That's what I bet on when I bought my H but working with computers I know how fast technology can change. :rolleyes:
Whatever you fly, enjoy it!

As an H owner I say there's nothing not to like about it, a great machine. You won't go wrong buying one. Good luck.

Ok as a Q500+ owner I am looking at buying the H more so for the collision avodience as think it's cool plus what you can do with the st16 compared to what you can't do on the ST10+ now what am concerned about is will they be not keeping it up-to-date with new software/firmware and not forget about it like they seem to have done with the Q500 so what's your thoughts on this all advice will be appreciated guys and will be buying again from drones direct as can't fault them from buying my Q5 from them

I see no reason why Yuneec would not continue to support the H480. It is their foremost consumer level aircraft after all. But let me add that I also own a Phantom 2 Vision Plus which hasn't had a firmware update since mid 2015 and that too still flies fine.

My H480 does not have the Real Sense module...it only has the standard sonic obstacle avoidance on it and, indeed, I've never even used that. So, while you may see the RealSense a 'cool' thing, I ask you to just pause for a moment and honestly ask yourself if it's worth all the extra money to have it when you may find that you don't really need it? As an above post has pointed out: '...the best collision avoidance is Angle mode and your eyes'.

Either way. the very best of luck with whatever version of H480 you buy and don't be shy to ask for advice. You'll love it.

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