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ST16 Controller after the update : no more crosshair

Aug 8, 2016
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I'm sure for most of you, the fact that the crosshair was removed after the controller update didn't bother you. On my side, i'm really sad they removed it. It would had been nice to keep it and make it optional some way. For me, it was helping me a lot when i needed to have something centered on the screen. with the 7 inches display, it's hard without it to put a subject well centered.

I would like to know what you think about this if you even noticed it !?! so far, i didn't see any post talking about this !

Otherwise, i'm really happy with the H. I started flying a long time ago with the T380 from lotus. Last year i had a QX350 with gopro and fat shark Attitude for FPV. However, i enjoy a lot more the H and the FPV with the ST16 controller. A lot of people are talking about the H feature however to me, the ST16 is a HUGE DEAL !

Cheers !
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I agree. I used it to help steer during top down navigation on roadways. I miss it.
Strange but i still do have the crosshair. Even after the update.
I didn't upgrade the firmware to the latest edition. I was disappointed after watching a Youtube video and finding out that the cross hairs were removed. It's nice when you are trying to ensure that you are flying in a straight line towards a location. I wish there were customizable options for screen layout on the ST16.
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Most upper hand drones have the cross hair on the screen. I don't understand they removed such a valuable tool. Also, when landing, you tilt the camera completely down and it give you a nice idea of where you are going to land going straight down.

Finally, to center any kind of subject without the cross hair is impossible since the display is 7 inches. I hope they will put it back. Or at least give us an option to.


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