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ST16 with Internal Booster

You may be asking for trouble putting it inside. Most boosters generate heat and with putting it inside, you've now introduce more heat to the inside components. Hopefully, it doesn't cause you heat related problems.

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2.4 is for RC and telemetry. Your 5.8 for your camera and gimble will drop out. When it does it will either restart recording or stop altogether. Internal is not a good idea.
alsey7 is no stranger to internal moding the TX with boosters. He did that to the ST10+ last year and it works perfect so I can't see any problems with the ST16.
My only concern is boosters do on occasion die and there is no external LED light to indicate it is on and working.
alsey7 is no stranger to internal moding the TX with boosters. He did that to the ST10+ last year and it works perfect so I can't see any problems with the ST16.
My only concern is boosters do on occasion die and there is no external LED light to indicate it is on and working.

thanks for your backup yes ive sold plenty of Internal ST10+ internal mod setup and none have heat issues. about the boosters not much worried about them failing its rare but if it does happen the RTH will kick in did a RTH test and evereything works perfect
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Also keep in mind that the ST16 has two fans to help control the temperature inside the housing.
Also keep in mind that the ST16 has two fans to help control the temperature inside the housing.

But also keep the n mind those 2 fans were put there for the cooling of the electronics already in there and may not of been designed for the extra heat that will be generated by an internal booster.

I'm not not saying it won't work. Just be very careful and keep an eye on the heat generated by the extra heat generated.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
2.4 is for RC and telemetry. Your 5.8 for your camera and gimble will drop out. When it does it will either restart recording or stop altogether. Internal is not a good idea.


I was thinking that they were the other way around???

I replaced the left antenna on the ST15 with an "Alfa 2.4 7dBi Booster" and the camera no longer loses connection ...????????

Should I "stop and desist" using it?

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