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St16s battery issues

Aug 30, 2017
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went and charged my st16s yesterday. Came back in the afternoon to check and all i got was the battery symbol with a red flashing bar and a yellow ⚠️ the yuneec logo will appear briefly on power up then just gives the battery sign. I've slit the battery and all 3 cells are putting out 3.3v - 3.39v. Any idea if I can confirm battery or potential Controller issue?
I've slit the battery and all 3 cells are putting out 3.3v - 3.39v. Any idea if I can confirm battery or potential Controller issue?
Those voltages are pretty near bottom. Many Yuneec chargers will not begin charging if voltage is below some threshold. I don't know about any such threshold for the ST16S, but it might be worth the effort to use some other charging method to boost voltage and then put it back into the ST16s.
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Those voltages are pretty near bottom. Many Yuneec chargers will not begin charging if voltage is below some threshold. I don't know about any such threshold for the ST16S, but it might be worth the effort to use some other charging method to boost voltage and then put it back into the ST16s.
I had this on the dy5 charger so not sure if that's caused this first time I've used it on the controller. However I'm tempted to upgrade the batteries anyway as they don't last like the old st16.
Check this thread out ST16S Charging Issue

The ST16 series controllers will not charge the battery if it drops too low and the battery needs to be charged on an external charger. Use the Ni-Cad setting on the charger at a 0.2A rate until voltage reaches 3.2V. You can then finish charging in the ST16 series controller.
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včera jsem šel a nabil můj st16s. Vrátil jsem se odpoledne na kontrolu a vše, co jsem dostal, byl symbol baterie s červeným blikajícím pruhem a žlutým ⚠️ logo yneec se krátce zobrazí a poté se zobrazí pouze znak baterie. Odřízl jsem baterii a všechny 3 články vydávají 3,3 - 3,39 V. Nějaký nápad, jestli mohu potvrdit baterii nebo potenciální problém s ovladačem?
Ano, dám Ti nápad. Já mám 2 ks ST16, 4 baterie a dlouho (hodně dní ) jsem zkoušel, kde je chyba. Nabíjel jsem první ST 16 a potom druhou ST 16. Jedna nabila, druhá také, ale jedna ST 16 vybila baterii.
Chyba ( vada ) je v ST 16. Ty máš vadu ( chybu ) v ST 16.
Ty musíš baterii nabít a hned Odpojit ( vyndat ) z ST 16. Ona pomalu vybíjí. Když ST 16 odpojíš a zase dáš baterii, tak už chyba není. Vyzkoušej .

Yes, I'll give you an idea. I have 2 pcs of ST16, 4 batteries and for a long time (many days) I tried where the error was. I charged the first ST 16 and then the second ST 16. One charged, the other also, but one ST 16 drained the battery.
The error is in ST 16. You have an error in ST 16.
You have to charge the battery and immediately disconnect it from the ST 16. It slowly discharges. If you disconnect the ST 16 and put the battery back in, the error is gone. Try it.
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If you cannot get the ST16S to charge the battery, then the charging circuit may be messed up. Many times this is an issue with the micro USB port. You may have to use an external charger to charge the battery.

The other possibility is as @RudaR suggested - that the controller is draining the battery during storage as it never gets into full shutdown mode. This has happened to others in the past. As @RudaR suggested remove the battery when not in use of this is the case.

Note: If you leave the battery out, be sure to power up and get current date and time while connected to a WiFi source or allow enough time powered up before the first flight to allow the ST16S to get a good GPS fix and set time and date from the GPS signal.
If you cannot get the ST16S to charge the battery, then the charging circuit may be messed up. Many times this is an issue with the micro USB port. You may have to use an external charger to charge the battery.

The other possibility is as @RudaR suggested - that the controller is draining the battery during storage as it never gets into full shutdown mode. This has happened to others in the past. As @RudaR suggested remove the battery when not in use of this is the case.

Note: If you leave the battery out, be sure to power up and get current date and time while connected to a WiFi source or allow enough time powered up before the first flight to allow the ST16S to get a good GPS fix and set time and date from the GPS signal.
To give some background flew on sat morning ran to around 48% on h+ batteries and 28% on the st16s. Charged the st16s on Sun morning and saw the error message when I went to disconnect in the afternoon. I've singled the st16s batteries and they seem to be charging so I'm unsure whether the batteries got to low or the controller charge circuit is damaged. This is a fairly new drone to me but I was able to put some charge in the controller before.
Just an update so much later. Since this issue I've put another set of batteries in the battery pack. Bought a spot welder kit off eBay to join them together. The issue has no since shown itself again, thanks for all who commented.

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