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ST24 instead of ST16

May 30, 2016
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Can we use the ST24 instead of the ST16 as a main controller?
I ask because on the ST24 we have many more possibilities to use the channel settings
according to pictures I found online.
On the ST24 we can use the Trim Switches as well to program different channels etc.

so has someone tested this?

For owners who have upgraded the H920 to the 920+, the ST-24 is replaced by the ST-16. My understanding is that Yuneec are not continuing software support for the ST-24, and the ST-16 'platform' is going to be shared by all 'pro-sumer' and commercial drones in future.

Running an ST-24 would loose a lot of the functionality built into the FlightMode app, including Cable Cam and so on. On the whole, I'm not sure how much value there is in channel settings when the Typhoon is pretty well set up on a properly working ST-16.

The only exception is some users have reported poor turning or acceleration - which very often seems to be caused by a 'sticky' control giving bad values, rather than configuration of the channels.

What specific changes do you want to make?
For owners who have upgraded the H920 to the 920+, the ST-24 is replaced by the ST-16. My understanding is that Yuneec are not continuing software support for the ST-24, and the ST-16 'platform' is going to be shared by all 'pro-sumer' and commercial drones in future.

Running an ST-24 would loose a lot of the functionality built into the FlightMode app, including Cable Cam and so on. On the whole, I'm not sure how much value there is in channel settings when the Typhoon is pretty well set up on a properly working ST-16.

The only exception is some users have reported poor turning or acceleration - which very often seems to be caused by a 'sticky' control giving bad values, rather than configuration of the channels.

What specific changes do you want to make?

After using Solex on my Solo's (now there's OpenSolo woo hoo), I'd be more than happy to pay for such features on the H. I'd even buy another one. As it is now, Yuneec needs to open up and allow some creativeness and more options so that people like......you......can get compensated for taking the H to the next level. Don't get me wrong. I really like my H a lot, but wouldn't be wild if Arducopter could be ported to the H with custom scripts for the gimbal etc? Game over for ***.

For pro flyers or expert hobbyist flyers Yuneec would be wise to let it all hang out and allow infinite parameter control, then issue a notice that tampering with parameters outside the norm will void the warranty should a crash ensue. I have no problem with that.

After 1 year and 2 months the H is still my favorite camera machine simple because of the gimbal and improved video quality (IMO). I'll buy the H520 if it has more bells and whistles and operator control over the H; that would include a robust mission planner with more control of parameters to customize flight characteristics and such.

Doesn't the ST24 also have a better monitor?

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