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Oct 8, 2018
Reaction score
I took the H out for its (and my) inaugural flight to the sports fields at Boston's English High School.

It. Was. Awesome!

I followed Dr. Drone's first flight instructions: set RTH altitude and calibrated the gimbal, the accelerometer, and the compass. I was a little nervous that I would come crashing to the ground for something I did or didn't do, but that was not the case. I figured I would let the camera run from take off at 1080p60 to chronicle the good, the bad or the ugly.

She took off beautifully, hovered rock solidly, and then with the control sticks set to more turtle than rabbit, I started to get the feel of the aircraft. After getting my legs at around 50-100ft, I took it up to just below 400ft and did a gimbal 360 of Boston. The autumn colors were awesome and the harbor just within view in the horizon was fascinating to see from our neighborhood just outside of downtown.

The flight was just over 14mins and I softly landed the bird with 2 bars left. My Venom Pro Dual arrived while I was out flying so now I've got the right charger to keep me flying. It's supposed to be 60degrees and sunny in Boston tomorrow... can't wait!

Thanks to one and all on this forum who helped answer all my questions over the past week.
Congratulations !

When flying the H, you want to pay attention to the voltage reading on the left side, as opposed to bars. General wisdom here says to shoot for being back on the ground at 14.5V.
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