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Takeoff mode icon red

May 11, 2016
Reaction score
Monrovia, MD
Just got my new H and a quick maiden showed it functional. I did notice that in both Smart and Angle modes, the takeoff task icon is red. When I tap on it, it says that aircraft is not ready. Is this because I'm closer than the specified 8m? Haven't tried it future out yet. I can take off in Angle mode regardless.
Just got my new H and a quick maiden showed it functional. I did notice that in both Smart and Angle modes, the takeoff task icon is red. When I tap on it, it says that aircraft is not ready. Is this because I'm closer than the specified 8m? Haven't tried it future out yet. I can take off in Angle mode regardless.

What's up K3CFPV this is KC3EUP. In smart mode I think you are too close. I think 26 feet away and the red soft button will work.
What's up K3CFPV this is KC3EUP. In smart mode I think you are too close. I think 26 feet away and the red soft button will work.
I had hoped so too. Placed the H out in the middle of the yard and walked about 10-12 yards away and the takeoff icon still remained red. Mode switch in Smart mode. Takeoff mode doesn't seem to be covered in the manual. A more inclusive and descriptive manual would be very advantageous.
I had hoped so too. Placed the H out in the middle of the yard and walked about 10-12 yards away and the takeoff icon still remained red. Mode switch in Smart mode. Takeoff mode doesn't seem to be covered in the manual. A more inclusive and descriptive manual would be very advantageous.

I think it is always red. When you press it anyway - red or not, does the craft take off.
Boy do I feel dumb! I actually tried it (had to be in Smart mode). First time I hit the button it told be aircraft was not ready. Finally, I tried it again, gave me a slider to activate and it did take off and hover at about 4' or so. I just assumed (I know, I know) that red meant not available and green would mean ready, or something like that. Yuneec uses other icon colors like those mentioned and yellow for various status. I guess it was just not intuitive to me nor well documented. But it works. However, I did notice that its more "tippy" with taking off in this mode vs. using the throttle stick. I'll stick to the ole fashion way and take off a bit faster - more stable that way.
Called Yuneec about this too last week. They said it was a glitch apparently. I was trying to fly in angle mode, not sure if it can only work in smart mode.

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