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Typhoon H Locking Arm Problem

Jul 28, 2016
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Woodbridge Va,
Hey Guys,

Finally my H came in the mail. As excited as I am I've noticed an oddity upon the unboxing and inspection of the copter itself. Something don't seem right here. I'm hoping for a speedy response so I may contact Amazon for a return if need be.

The problem, If looking at the drone head on, The two front most and right side arm make no audible clicking sound when raised. The two rear and left side do make a distinct clicking sound when raised. They all do appear to be locking in place as I have to press the release button to get them down but this doesn't add up in my opinion. Is this normal?

2nd issue that seems odd. No type of seal on the White box the drone is in. It doesn't look as if any seals have been removed but I would think Yuneec would have put some type of seal on the box to indicate if the box had been opened, especially at this price point. To your knowledge, does anybody remember a seal on the box? I'd like to know if this has been tampered with.

At this point I don't know what to think. I really need some input here guys as this experience is starting to bum me out. I've been saving a good while for this and want to be sure this unit is up to par.

Thank You
See if the arms will stay up with a little force or not, you are right, they should click and lock solid.
See if the arms will stay up with a little force or not, you are right, they should click and lock solid.
Thanks for the reply. I just got off the phone with Yuneec and the tech told me if they withstand a few pounds of pressure I should be alright. Now I've applied some pressure and they do hold but still seems odd. I also found a thread here where someone was doing a tapping test and one of his arms was failing to hold. Mine doesn't do that, thank god. Am I just being a nervous nelly you think. I mean two of the suspect arms make an ever so slightly sound and one makes no sound at all, but three make an unmistakable loud click.....
Hey Guys,

Finally my H came in the mail. As excited as I am I've noticed an oddity upon the unboxing and inspection of the copter itself. Something don't seem right here. I'm hoping for a speedy response so I may contact Amazon for a return if need be.

The problem, If looking at the drone head on, The two front most and right side arm make no audible clicking sound when raised. The two rear and left side do make a distinct clicking sound when raised. They all do appear to be locking in place as I have to press the release button to get them down but this doesn't add up in my opinion. Is this normal?

2nd issue that seems odd. No type of seal on the White box the drone is in. It doesn't look as if any seals have been removed but I would think Yuneec would have put some type of seal on the box to indicate if the box had been opened, especially at this price point. To your knowledge, does anybody remember a seal on the box? I'd like to know if this has been tampered with.

At this point I don't know what to think. I really need some input here guys as this experience is starting to bum me out. I've been saving a good while for this and want to be sure this unit is up to par.

Thank You
Ok this is what I know,
Mine does the same thing on the front two and one of the back ones won't make a clicking sound also. This was from day one, It locks great
and I have been flying it for about a month steady. As for the tape seal on the box, mine was like that too and another friend of mine also.
I was told when the H gets shipped to the United states, they are opened and tested before being sent
out to the consumer and updated with new firmware if needed. So they just re tape the box
with regular tape.
Ok this is what I know,
Mine does the same thing on the front two and one of the back ones won't make a clicking sound also. This was from day one, It locks great
and I have been flying it for about a month steady. As for the tape seal on the box, mine was like that too and another friend of mine also.
I was told when the H gets shipped to the United states, they are opened and tested before being sent
out to the consumer and updated with new firmware if needed.
Thanks a ton, I'm feeling a little better now. Yes Yuneec did confirm that they don't tape the box. As far as the locking arms they are withstanding a reasonable amount of pressure. Enough that I wouldn't think normal flight would effect it.

Thanks again, now I'm proceeding with a battery charge and hopefully a maiden flight later in the day.

Wish Me Luck!
I think a couple of mine made little noise, but they also hold fine, had it 2 weeks now.
Good luck. Run it on Turtle a while.
Thanks a ton, I'm feeling a little better now. Yes Yuneec did confirm that they don't tape the box. As far as the locking arms they are withstanding a reasonable amount of pressure. Enough that I wouldn't think normal flight would effect it.

Thanks again, now I'm proceeding with a battery charge and hopefully a maiden flight later in the day.

Wish Me Luck!
Make sure you do a compass calibration and Accelerometer located under GPS Calibration first. I forgot to do this on
my first flight and soon as I lifted off, it started to go in circles on its own. I got it down ok but was I ever thinking I was going to wreck.
After the cal. everything went smooth, and I always check periodically.
Thanks for the reply. I just got off the phone with Yuneec and the tech told me if they withstand a few pounds of pressure I should be alright. Now I've applied some pressure and they do hold but still seems odd. I also found a thread here where someone was doing a tapping test and one of his arms was failing to hold. Mine doesn't do that, thank god. Am I just being a nervous nelly you think. I mean two of the suspect arms make an ever so slightly sound and one makes no sound at all, but three make an unmistakable loud click.....
Keep a close eye on them, my H is being RMA'd right now for this exact reason.
Two of mine came back from Yuneec the same way. I discovered it while doing a compass calibration. It flies OK as it does take some pressure to move them, though ultimately it should be fixed. I understand there is an adjustment that can be made to the clips in the arm that is supposedly pretty easy to do.
To be fair, mine is being RMA'd for another issue as well, but the arms seem to be a degrading problem, , I am told by Yuneec is only a 5 min job to switch out, so maybe just see if they can send you out the parts and save the hassle of an RMA.
No seal on mine. My first F'ed up "H" arms did not fully lock in place even when I heard a click. Doing a CC sometimes an arm would "fold". But it also did the Toilet Bowl, would J-hook, drift, lose altitude... My current one does none of that and the arms are solid.
No seal on mine. My first F'ed up "H" arms did not fully lock in place even when I heard a click. Doing a CC sometimes an arm would "fold". But it also did the Toilet Bowl, would J-hook, drift, lose altitude... My current one does none of that and the arms are solid.
My arms do hold solid, it was just the absence of the clicking/locking sound I got from the other three that threw me for a loop. Unfortunately after charging that battery and binding the controller a storm came in. I was hoping to get this thing calibrated and in the air to see if any other issues were present. I hope to get this up today when I return home from work.

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I have one that doesn't click. The weight of the middle keeps the arms up tho. I have no problems so far. Fly safe.
I have one that doesn't click. The weight of the middle keeps the arms up tho. I have no problems so far. Fly safe.
Glad to hear. I'm thinking I'm going for straight Angle mode with my first flight. Although this is my first drone, I've flown a friends P3 a hand full of times. Funny thing is, every time he flys it he crashes. Me on the other hand have had no problem controlling it. He's going to be upset when I tell him that I'm not confident in his abilities when he ask to fly mine.

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