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UAV Toolbox

Mar 15, 2019
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Anyone had success creating a CCC in UAV Toolbox for the H+ ?

I can make the route, but when I start it, the drone just descends until I abort.

I have tried two different locations and 3 different CCCs now.
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Hi Trav H. Yes I have same failure experiance.
I found no way to fly the mission planned with UAV Toolbox v.3.2.2
The only thing happens is, the decending of the HPlus down to Ground and land.
If I stop this decending while the HPlus is in air, then I can see the remaining waypoints in CCC.
But when I resume the ccc by klick to Start again, the HPlus is just continue the decending.
I investigated the mission files, but can not see a command for this unlike behavior.
In the net, I could not find any hint to solve this. I hope someone from UAV Toolbox will provide answer.
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It would really help the developer if you reported this via the Contact on the UAV Toolbox website UAV Toolbox - Yuneec ST-16

While there is a following for this program on the forum, problems with a product should be reported to the supplier/developer to give them a chance to address the issue. You can also contact @Tuna via Conversation here on the forum. Once you do that, I’m sure he will address the issue.
Hi Everybody!

i've seen that there is a new version of Uav toolbox. In december 2020 i've downloaded the first version of software that allow to import .plan file realised by data pilot planner and convert it in CCC. On June 2020 i've purchase full access on uav toolbox but now the system told me that the functions had expired and i've to pay. i searched for the link to payment but i didn't found. What happend? Someone can help me?
@DoomMeister ... Did. I agree with you. But I also know Tuna burns it at both ends, and can be busy. Was hoping someone might be able to advise if I was doing something with a simple fix.

@Dave_Gos... Same here.
This one actually sounds like a bug. I hope he can get time to address this soon.

Try using DataPilot on your computer to plan a mission and let UAV Toolbox convert it to a CCC. Then see if you get the same results. I am thinking this is just in the CCC planning portion of the program for the H+.
Okay, you should include that in your report to him.
I just downloaded the latest version of this software. Since I'm a total newbie to this, is the only way to create a CCC mission is using the ST16S controller? It would be quicker and easier for me to create a mission from my laptop, then transfer to ST16S and run it, rather than doing it all from the controller. Also, does the drone itself have to be active to before creating mission/CCC or can you just take the controller and map out the missions? Anybody have any valuable tips for new guy?
You do not need the drone on and connected to create the CCC with the editor.

You can download DataPilot and create a mission then import it into the editor to convert to a CCC mission.

@BrianA. to the best of my knowledge, the only way to do a CCC with a typhoon H plus is on the st16s while flying. UAV toolbox says it can, but so far I have not talked to anyone who has been successful with it.
@BrianA. to the best of my knowledge, the only way to do a CCC with a typhoon H plus is on the st16s while flying. UAV toolbox says it can, but so far I have not talked to anyone who has been successful with it.
Yes. I just got through trying to create a CCC mission with toolbox and when I went to start it, the aircraft simply hovered for a second, then landed and shut down the props. This software would be really awesome if it worked with the H+ I sent a report of the issue from the website. I ended up doing it the only way that works. It took quite a bit longer and ate up an entire battery. I will recharge and try to fly it a little later and hope it works. I haven't done much CCC with the H+
Yes. I tried creating a CCC mission with toolbox and when I went to start it, the aircraft simply hovered for a second, then landed and shut down the props. This software would be really awesome if it worked with the H+ I sent a report of the issue from the website. I ended up doing it the only way that works. It took quite a bit longer and ate up an entire battery. I will recharge and try to fly it a little later.
I’m sure @Tuna will address this issue soon. You are not the first to report the landing issue using the CCC’s created with the latest edition of Toolbox.
has anybody experience in creating a CCC mission with UAV Toolbox 3.2.2 on a ST16S and flying the mission with a Typhoon H3 with the Leica ION L1 camera? The equipment management section of UAV Toolbox offers only 4 drone models for selection: H480, H920+, H520 and H-Plus. H3 is missing. Same is true for the selection of a camera model, the Leica is missing.

Is one of the drone types equivalent with the H3?
Is one of the camera types equivalent wth the Leica ION L1?
The H Plus and H3 are closest to each other and the C23/E90 are the closest for the cameras.

If you give it a try, plan a mission in an open field and test it to make sure nothing unexpected happens.
Have you watched this video?

Yes, I'm familiar with this video. DoomMeister sent me this link a couple of days ago when I asked how to import .plan files into UAV Toolbox. Both tools together are a comfortable means to prepare an automated flight. My intention is to get step by step familiar with the complete process preparing the flight with DataPilot Planner, converting it with UAV Toolbox into a .dmw file and executing it via ST16S with H3. In the next days I will exercise a simple CCC flight generated with UAV Toolbox with my H3. I'll report about my first experience.
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Any one had success? I tried again today and am still stumped.
my experience is as follows:
after launch of my H3 and selecting the flight route created with UAV Toolbox V3.2.2 the H3 approached to the first waypoint, hovered for about 2 seconds and then descended slowly to the ground.

The route consisted of 5 waypoints arranged in a way that the flight route should be a circle.

So the following question arises: generates UAV Toolbox a CCC route consisting of only the last waypoint of the route?

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