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Update firmware

Jul 10, 2016
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Do a few days ( 09/02/16 ) has come a new firmware upgrade ) .

I upgraded to this new version and now the TH and ST16 no communication , the camera if I link recognizes and smoothly but the TH does not recognize and does not communicate or brand battery, satellites ... and I can not even tear.
Has anyone been the same ? How can I fix ?

If I understand you, the ST-16 is not talking to the "H"? Did you rebind?
How bind the H?
In the configurations-bind the model aircraft no appears there
You will if not already, Bind the H, Go to "Settings" then "About Controller" and see if the firmware is shown for all listed H,Camera,gimbal ,let me know what it states!
How bind the H?
In the configurations-bind the model aircraft no appears there
In that screen click "Bind" on upper left, you should get a flashing orange light. If so, rock the H forward and backwards with the front landing gear still on the table a good 45 degrees till orange light stops and turns purple, if in Angle Mode or Green in Safe Mode, if you get there stops and if camera and H are shown make sure the main yellow camera has a white camer name under it, tap it to highlight it "Blue" then tap bind on bottom right That hopefully will do it! Let me know!
Hi DroneClone,

Thanks, thanks, thanks..........thanks......thanks.

I not remember that i maus rebind the aircraft and how do it

Thanks, thanks, thanks..........thanks......thanks.
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