Ifyou have your H. Look on the micro SD card. Take the card out of the camera insert it into a reader, now insert that into your computer. Go down to typhoon H , Now you will find videos and typhoon H manual. In the manual if you are there, you have five topics I compass calibration, typhoon H Quickstart,Typhoon H sheets, typhoon H switching between single and team mode,last but not least the typhoon wizard user manual V2.1.
Now guys I am not a rocket scientist but I do have a habit of reading manuals and somewhere in all that paper they gave you they told you that they have information on that micro SD. Enjoy watching and reading. If you are waiting it is coming. Love you guys
Now guys I am not a rocket scientist but I do have a habit of reading manuals and somewhere in all that paper they gave you they told you that they have information on that micro SD. Enjoy watching and reading. If you are waiting it is coming. Love you guys